How can I add a keyword column in Laravel migration for a particular blog application?

I am currently working on a blog application using Laravel migration. In this particular task, how can I add a new keyword column, considering the need to index this column for optimizing search performance, and also ensuring that the migration should be written effectively to maintain the integrity of the database? 

Answered by Amit Sinha

 In the context of web development, you can add column in Laravel migration for your particular blog-based application. Firstly, you would need to start by creating a new migration file by using the artisan command. Within this new migration file, you would need to use the “addColumn” method to define the new keyword column which would specify its data type and any additional constraints. If you need indexing for search optimization, then you should use the “index” method for adding an index to the column. Here is the example given of the whole process:-

Public function up()
    Schema::table(‘blog_posts’, function (Blueprint $table) {

This above coding would add a nullable keyword column with an index to a table called “blog_posts”. You can run the “php artisan migrate” after completing the task of defining the migration for applying the changes made in the database.

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