How can I solve the issue of “socket hang up” during the development of web-based application?

495    Asked by dhanan_7781 in Web-development , Asked on Jan 5, 2024

I am currently working as a developer and at present I am working on a web-based application that can communicate with a remote server. However, during the process, I encountered a scenario where my application suddenly stopped functioning and showed an error message of “socket hang up”. How can I troubleshoot this particular issue? 

Answered by Unnati gautam

 During the web development or application if you get the error message of “socket hang up”, then it indicates that there is a prematurely closed connection between the client and the server.

For troubleshooting this particular issue, check for the possible issues in your code which is handling HTTP requests. Thus errors may arise because of connection timeout.

In the context of node.js you can use the “HTTP” or “HTTPS” module to solve the issue of “socket hang up”:-

Const https = require(‘https’);
Const options = {
  Hostname: ‘’,
  Port: 443,
  Path: ‘/your-endpoint’,
  Method: ‘GET’
Const req = https.request(options, (res) => {
  // Handle response
  Res.on(‘data’, (data) => {
    // Process the received data
Req.on(‘error’, € => {
  If (e.code === ‘ECONNRESET’) {
    Console.error(‘Socket hang up – Connection reset by peer’);
    // Implement your error handling or retry logic here
  } else {
    Console.error(‘Other error occurred:’, e);

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