What are the differences between &It and >?

203    Asked by ChloeBurgess in Web-development , Asked on Dec 19, 2023

How can I differentiate between the use of &git and &It entities for designing a web where users can input data?

 In the context of web technology, the differences between > and &It are very minor. The &It stands for the less than sign (<). On the other hand, the > stands for the greater-than sign (>). Apart from these HTML entities, there are also two more entities which are &Ie and ≥. The entity &Ie stands for the less-than or equal symbols while the ≥ stands for the greater-than or equal sign.

In your scenario of web form validation messages, if you are handling input comparison, you can use these above entities to allow communication to all your users. Here is the example given:-

  Enter a number:



  Const input = document.getElementById(‘number input);
  Const message = document.getElementById(‘validationMessage’);
  Input.addEventListener(‘input’, function() {
    Const value = parseInt(input. value);
    If (value < 10 xss=removed> 100) {
      Message.textContent = ‘The number should be less than > 100.’;
    } else {
      Message.textContent = ‘’;

In this above example, when you as a user input the number in the form, the Javascript checks the number whether it is less than 10 or greater than 100. After checking, the message will be displayed by using the “<” or “>” entities to convey the comparison condition clearly to all your users.

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