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Top AWS Interview Questions and Answers


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is Amazon's comprehensive and rapidly growing cloud computing platform. It provides infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS) solutions. It provides a diverse set of global computing, database, investigation, application, and sending services to help businesses move faster.

Because of the numerous advantages it offers, an increasing number of businesses are incorporating AWS cloud and its products into their architecture. This has resulted in a significant increase in the demand for AWS expertise. If you have AWS skills, you should aim to acquire an excellent AWS job profile. We've put up a collection of AWS-related interview questions to help you prepare for your interview.

An increasing number of companies are integrating the AWS cloud and its products into their architecture due to the many benefits it provides. As a result, there is now a considerable surge in demand for AWS expertise. If you are skilled in AWS, you should go for AWS Online Certification & Training program and strive to build a strong AWS employment profile. To assist you in preparing for your interview, we have compiled a list of AWS-related interview questions.

AWS Interview Questions and Answers

For any AWS professionals who are looking to attend an interview based on AWS anytime soon, here are some of the most popular interview questions and answers that might come your way in your interview. Also you will learn much more about AWS S3 going ahead.

Q1). What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud is like a third-party server where we can store data big data, no hardware-software needed, if you have internet you can work from anywhere just like Gmail. E.g.- Gmail, you go to the browser type Gmail and enters credentials, and can access it from anywhere.

Tip: Gain a certification in Cloud Computing to sharpen up your skills.

Q2). What are the attributes of Cloud Computing?

Here are a few attributes of Cloud Computing-

  • Multi-tenant
  • Subscription
  • No large setup fee
  • Fixed, predictable cost
  • Scales with your business
  • Automatic Upgrade

Q3). Why go, cloud-based?

Here are the reasons why you should consider cloud computing as a developer. A cloud system takes care of your Network, storage approach, Operating System, database, etc. infrastructure-related services all by itself and you need not bother. It helps you weave up quick applications that themselves take care of Security, sharing of the apps, integration models, etc. you get inbuilt in cloud apps.

AWS Curriculum

Q4). Describe the definition of AWS?

AWS means the Amazon Web Service; it is a gathering of remote computing facilities also identified as the cloud computing stage. This new-fangled dominion of cloud computing is also recognized as IaaS, which means Infrastructure as a Service.

Q5). What are the basic structures of the Amazon EC2 service?

As the Amazon EC2 service is a cloud facility, so it has entirely all the cloud features. Amazon EC2 delivers the subsequent features:

  • Virtual computing atmosphere (popular as instances)
  • Pre-configured patterns
  • Amazon Machine Images 

Q6). Define regions and availability zones in Amazon EC2.

Being such a mammoth in the business, usually, information that Amazon EC2 uses is facilitated in various areas over the world. These overall areas are ordered as far as accessibility zones as well as regions 

Q7). What is Amazon EC2 Root Device Volume?

When you dispatch an instance, the root device volume has the picture that was utilized to boot up the case in any case. 

Q8). What are the main components of AWS?

Below mentioned are the key components of AWS:

Components of AWS

  • Route 53: A DNS web facility
  • Easy E-mail Facility: It permits the transfer of e-mail using RESTFUL API demand or through consistent SMTP
  • Self and Access Organization: It offers improved security and uniqueness management for your AWS account
  • Simple Storage Device known as S3: It is a storing device and the greatest extensively used AWS service
  • Elastic Compute Cloud is known as EC2: It offers on-demand computing properties for hosting requests. It is very valuable in case of random workloads
  • Elastic Block Store known as EBS: It delivers determined storage volumes that assign to EC2 to permit you to continue data past the lifetime of a single EC2
  • CloudWatch: To screen AWS possessions, it permits administrators to assess and gather keys. Similarly, one can set an announcement alarm in case of an issue 

Q9). Explain in detail the function of Amazon Machine Image (AMI)?

An Amazon Machine Image AMI is a pattern that comprises a software conformation (for instance, an operating system, a request server, and applications). From an AMI, we present an example, which is a duplicate of the AMI successively as a virtual server in the cloud. We can even offer plentiful examples of an AMI.

Q10). What is the connection between Instance and AMI?

We can launch diverse types of occurrences from alone AMI. An example type controls the hardware of the host processor used for your example. Each occurrence type offers dissimilar calculate and memory competencies. After we introduce an instance, it looks like an old-style host, and we can interrelate with it as we would do with any mainframe. We have comprehensive control of our examples; we can make usage pseudo to run instructions that need root rights.

Q11). Describe storage for Amazon EC2 occurrence.

Amazon EC2 offers numerous data storage choices for your occurrences. Each choice has an exclusive mixture of presentation and sturdiness. These storages can be used self-sufficiently or in grouping to suit your necessities.

There are chiefly four types of storage offered by AWS.

  • Amazon EBS
  • Amazon EC2 Instance store
  • Amazon S3
  • Addition Storage

Q12). How would you safeguard your EC2 instances while running them in a VPC?

Security Groups can be utilized to safeguard your EC2 instances in a VPC. We can arrange both INBOUND and OUTBOUND movement in a Security Group which empowers anchored access to your EC2 occurrences.

Q13). How many EC2 instances can you use in a VPC?

You are limited to 20 EC2. However, the maximum VPC size is 65,536 instances.

Q14). How will you monitor the network traffic in your AWS VPC?

We can do it by using the Amazon VPC Flow-Logs feature that is available in your VPC itself.

AWS Quiz

Q15). What is the total number of buckets that can be created in AWS by default?

100 buckets can be made in every one of the AWS accounts. If extra buckets are required then you can increment the bucket limit by presenting a service limit increase.

Q16). What would you suggest should be the instance's tenancy attribute for running it on single-tenant hardware in an AWS environment?

Read: AWS & DevOps- The Powerful Tech Trend of 2019

The instance tenancy attribute must be set to a devoted case and different types of values probably won't be fitting for this activity.

Q17). What parameters will you take into consideration when choosing the availability zone?

Execution, valuing, idleness, and reaction time are some of the variables to think about while choosing the accessibility zone in AWS.

Q18). If I’m using Amazon CloudFront, can I use Direct Connect to transfer objects from my own data center?

Yes. Amazon CloudFront bolsters custom inceptions including starting points from outside of AWS. With AWS Direct Connect, you will be accused of the separate information exchange rates.

Q19). Imagine that you are launching an instance under the free usage tier from AMI having a snapshot size of 50GB. How are you going to launch the instance under the free usage tier?

It is not possible to launch this particular instance under the free usage tier.

Q20). Name the AWS service that exists only to superfluously cache data and images?

AWS Edge locations are the AWS services that superfluously cache data and images.

Q21). What is Geo Restriction in CloudFront?

A Geo-restriction feature causes you to keep clients of explicit geographic areas from getting to content which you're conveying through a CloudFront web circulation.

Q22). What is Amazon EMR?

EMR is a survived cluster stage that encourages you to translate the working of information structures before the implication. Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark on the Amazon Web Services cause you to research a lot of information. You can get ready information for the exam objectives and showcasing insightfulness outstanding tasks at hand utilizing Apache Hive and utilizing other applicable open-source plans.

AWS Interview Questions for Intermediate Level Jobs

Q23). What is multi-AZ RDS?

Multi-AZ (Availability Zone) RDS enables you to have a copy of your generation database in another accessibility zone. Multi-AZ (Availability Zone) database is utilized for calamity recuperation. You will have a precise of your database. So when your essential database goes down, your application will consequently fail over to the backup database. 

Q24). What are security groups?

Security groups go about as a firewall that contains the traffic for at least one example. You can relate at least one security gathering to your occasions when you dispatch at that point. You can add guidelines to every security bunch that enables traffic to and from its related examples. You can alter the guidelines of a security bunch whenever the new standards are naturally and promptly connected to every one of the occasions that are related to the security group.

Q25). What Is Configuration Management?

Configuration management has been around for quite a while in web tasks and frameworks organization. However, its social ubiquity has been constrained. Most frameworks head design machines as programming were created before adaptation control – that is physically making changes on servers. Every server can look at that point and for the most part, is somewhat extraordinary. Investigating, however, is clear as you log in to the crate and work on it legitimately. Setup the executives brings a huge robotization instrument in the image, overseeing servers like strings of a manikin. This powers institutionalization, best practices, and reproducibility as all configs are formed and oversaw. It likewise presents another method for working, which is the greatest obstacle to its reception.

Q26). Explain How You Would Simulate Perimeter Security Using The Amazon Web Services Model?

Traditional perimeter security that we're now acquainted with utilizing firewalls etc. isn't upheld in the Amazon EC2 world. AWS underpins security gatherings. One can make a security bunch for a hop box with ssh gets to – just port 22 open. From that point, a web server gathering and database bunch are made. The web server bunch permits 80 and 443 from the world, yet port 22 *only* from the hop box gathering.

Further, the database bunch permits port 3306 from the webserver gathering and port 22 from the hop box gathering. Add any machines to the webserver gathering, and they would all be able to hit the database. Nobody from the world can, and nobody can straightforwardly ssh to any of your cases.

Q27). How to Use Amazon Sqs?

Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) is a message-passing system that is utilized for correspondence between various connectors that are associated with one another. It likewise goes about as a communicator between different segments of Amazon. It keeps all the distinctive utilitarian segments together. This usefulness causes various parts to be inexactly coupled and gives engineering that is a more failure resilient system.

Q28). What do you mean by classic link?

The Amazon virtual private cloud classic link will allow EC2 examples in the EC2 great stage. This happens so it can speak with the occasions that are available in the virtual private cloud. The correspondence happens with the assistance of private IP addresses. To utilize a great connection, it is significant that you empower it to for virtual private cloud in your record. At that point, you should relate a security bunch with a case in the EC2 great. This security bunch is from the VPC for which you empowered the great connection in your record. Every single principle that is there for the VPC security bunch is relevant for the correspondences between the examples in EC2 exemplary and those cases in the VPC.

Q29). What is AWS Lambada?

Lambda is an event-driven stage. It is a process benefit that runs code in light of occasions and consequently deals with the computer assets required by that code

Q30). If my AWS Direct Connect flops, will I lose my connection?

If a gridlock AWS Direct connects has been arranged, on the occasion of a let-down it will change over to the second one. It is optional to permit Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) when arranging your influences to safeguard faster recognition and failover. On the other hand, if you have organized a backup IPsec VPN joining as an alternative, all VPC traffic will failover to the backup VPN connection routinely.

Q31). Can I connect my corporate data center to the Amazon Cloud?

Yes, you can do this by setting up a VPN(Virtual Private Network) association between your organization's system and your VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), this will enable you to collaborate with your EC2 occasions as though they were inside your current system.

Q32). Describe Amazon Machine Image, and what is the connection between Instance and AMI?

Amazon Web Services offers numerous ways to contact Amazon EC2, like the web-based border, AWS Command Line Interface CLI as well as Amazon Tools for Windows Power Shell. Initially, you are required to sign up for an AWS version, and you can contact Amazon EC2. Amazon EC2 offers a Query API. These requirements are HTTP or HTTPS requirements that practice the HTTP verbs GET or POST and a Query constraint called Action.

Q33). What are two types of AMIs or Amazon Machine Images?

Two kinds of AMIs or Amazon Machine Images are accessible:

  • EBS based storage
  • Instance store-backed AMI

Q34). Are you aware of the Security Group in Amazon EC2? Explain a little bit about it.

Security groups in Amazon EC2 are one of the routes through which the security of the cloud organization is ensured. They go about as a firewall and are utilized for controlling both the inbound just as outbound traffic at the dimension of the instance.

Q35). What are Amazon EBS-Optimized instances?

Amazon EBS streamlined occasions to guarantee that the Amazon EC2 case is set up to exploit the I/O of the Amazon EBS Volume. An Amazon EBS-improved occasion utilizes a streamlined setup stack and gives the extra devoted ability to Amazon EBS I/When you select Amazon EBS-upgraded for a case you pay an extra hourly charge for that instance.

Q36). What Is email protected In Aws?

In AWS, we can utilize [email protected] utility to take care of the issue of low system idleness for end clients. In [email protected], there is no compelling reason to the arrangement or oversee servers. We can simply transfer our Node.js code to AWS Lambda and make works that will be activated on CloudFront demands. At the point when a solicitation for substance is gotten by CloudFront edge area, the Lambda code is prepared to execute. This is a generally excellent choice for scaling up the activities in CloudFront without overseeing servers.

Q37). Which virtual network interface would you use to attach to an instance in a VPC?

Elastic Network Interface 

Q38). Explain what T2 instances is?

T2 instances are intended to give moderate gauge execution and the capacity to blast to higher execution as required by the outstanding task at hand.

Q39). What is the role of a Route Table in AWS?

Route Table is utilized to network the system pockets. By and a large one-course table would be accessible in each subnet. Course table can have any no. of records or data, subsequently appending different subnets to a course table is additionally conceivable.

Q40). What is the use of AWS CloudTrail?

CloudTrail is intended for logging and following API calls. It is also used to review all the S3 bucket accesses. 

Q41). Are there any Bandwidth constraints for internet gateways?

Ordinarily, an IG is horizontally called, and it is Redundant and Highly Available. It isn’t having any type of Bandwidth constraints as a rule.

Q42). Which instance will you use for deploying a 4-node Hadoop cluster in AWS?

We can utilize a c4.8x large instance or i2. large for this, yet utilizing a c4.8x will require a superior configuration on PC.

Q43). How can you bind a user session with the specific instance in ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)?

This can be easily achieved by permitting Sticky Session.

Q44). What will happen if you erase a peering connection on your side?

The peering connection accessible on the opposite side would likewise get erased. There will be no more activity streaming.

Q45). What is a redshift?

Redshift is a major information distribution center item. It is quick and incredible, completely overseen information distribution center administration in the cloud.

Q46). What are the edge locations?

An edge location is where the substance will be stored. Along these lines, when a client is attempting to getting to any substance, the substance will consequently be looked at in the edge location.

AWS Interview Questions and Answers for Advanced Workforce

Q47). What is a key pair, and what are its uses?

You utilize Key Pair to log in to your Instance in an anchored way. You can make a key pair utilizing EC2 support. At the point when your occurrences are spread crosswise over locales, you have to make the key pair in every region.

Q48). Describe what S3 is?

S3 is known for Simple Storage Service. You can custom the S3 interface to supply and recover any quantity of data, at any time and from any place on the web. For S3, the expense model is "pay as you go."

Q49). Will you use encryption for S3?

It is smarter to consider encryption for delicate information on S3 as it is a restrictive innovation.

Q50). How can you send a request to Amazon S3?

We can do that by utilizing the REST API or the AWS SDK wrapper libraries which wrap the basic Amazon S3 REST API.

Q51). What are the parameters for S3 pricing?

The pricing model for S3 is as below-

  • Storage used
  • Number of requests you make
  • Storage management
  • Data transfer
  • Transfer acceleration

Q52). What is the prerequisite to work with Cross-region replication in S3?

You have to empower forming on both source container and goal to work with cross-district replication. Additionally, both the source and destination bucket ought to be in a different region. 

Q53). Can S3 be cast-off with EC2 instances, in case of “Yes” please specify How?

Yes, it can be cast-off for instances with root approaches backed by native occurrence storage. By using Amazon S3, developers have access to the similar extremely scalable, dependable, fast, low-priced data storage substructure that Amazon uses to track its worldwide network of websites. To perform systems in the Amazon EC2 atmosphere, developers use the tools providing to load their Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) into Amazon S3 and to transfer them between Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2. An additional use case might be for websites hosted on EC2 to load their stationary content from S3.

Q54). Where do you think an AMI fits, when you are designing an architecture for a solution?

AMIs(Amazon Machine Images) resemble formats of virtual machines, and an instance is derived from an AMI. AWS offers pre-built AMIs which you can pick while you are propelling a case, some AMIs are not free, like this can be purchased from the AWS Marketplace. You can likewise make your custom AMI which would enable you to spare space on AWS. For instance, on the off chance that you needn't bother with a lot of programming on your establishment, you can modify your AMI to do that. This makes it cost-effective since you are evacuating undesirable things.

Q55). What is the purpose of Subnets?

When a system has a greater number of hosts, dealing with these hosts can be very tasking under an extensive solitary system. Subsequently, we partition this huge system into effortless small sub-systems (subnets) with the goal that the tasks of management under each subnet wind up being less demanding.

Q56). What are the roles?

Roles are utilized to give authorizations to elements that you trust inside your AWS account. Roles are clients in another record. Roles are like clients; however, with Roles, you don't have to make any username and password to work with the assets.

Q57). Which instance has an hourly rate with no long-term commitment?

On-Demand Instance has an hourly rate with no long-term responsibility because the estimating of this element fluctuates with the valuing model, for example just as a zone.

Q58). Which operation retrieves the newest version of the object?

GET operation helps you to retrieve the newest version of the object.

Q59). Does Clustering need to be turned on to use GSLB?

Yes, you should turn on grouping and design it to utilize Global Server Load Balancing. Every single intermediary that goes in close vicinity to the site or group must gain a similar design. In this way, every bit of hardware can go about as a DNS server if that turns into the master for the site. Every one of the destinations will have a special SLB/GSLB/Cluster design, and you should utilize the GSLB site flood order with the goal that the remote GSLB site can be added to the nearby machine.

Q60). Suggest the possible connection issues that you may encounter when connecting to an EC2 instance?

  • Unprotected private key file
  • Server refused key
  • Connection timed out
  • No supported authentication method is available
  • Host key not found, permission denied.
  • User key not recognized by the server, permission denied.

Q61). Are you allowed to run multiple websites on an EC2 server while using a single IP address?

Yes, but to do that more than one elastic IP is required. 

Q62). Explain what happens when you reboot a running EC2 instance?

Rebooting a running EC2 instance is just similar to rebooting a PC. You will not return to the image’s original state, but, the contents of your hard disk are going to remain the same.

Q63). What is a snowball?

Snowball is an information transport arrangement that utilized source machines to exchange a lot of information into and out of AWS. Utilizing snowball, you can move colossal measures of information starting with one spot then onto the next, which lessens your system costs, long exchange times, and gives better security.

Q64). What is the process to speed up data transfer in Snowball?

The data transfer can speed up in the following way:

  • By playing out numerous duplicate tasks at one time, for example, on the off chance that the workstation is sufficiently incredible, you can start various cp directions each from various terminals, on a similar Snowball gadget.
  • Copying from different workstations to a similar snowball.
  • Transferring enormous records or by making a bunch of little document, this will decrease the encryption overhead.
  • Eliminating pointless snaps, for example, make a setup where the source machine(s) and the snowball are the main machines dynamic on the switch being utilized, this can enormously improve execution.

Q65). Mention the work of an Amazon VPC router?

Empowering of Amazon EC2 cases that is inside the subnet so it can speak with Amazon EC2 occurrences on different subnets that are in the equivalent VPC is finished by an Amazon VPC switch. It likewise helps in empowering Internet portals, subnets, and virtual private passages so they can speak with one another. You won't get between utilization information from the switch. Be that as it may, you are qualified to get arrange utilization measurements from the cases which are utilizing Amazon cloud watch. 

Q66). Mention the process in which a hardware VPN connection turns work with Amazon VPC?

The virtual private cloud is associated with the server farm with the assistance of an equipment VPN association. Web convention security VPN associations are upheld by Amazon. To assistant the uprightness and privacy of any information which is in travel, this information is exchanged between the VPN and the server farms is directed over a scrambled VPN association. To set up an equipment VPN association, you needn't bother with the accessibility of an Internet passage.

Q67). Explain the AWS Certificate Manager?

AWS Certificate Manager, which can be abbreviated as ACM deals with the unpredictability of broadening, giving, and controlling the endorsements, which are conceded over ACM to the client's AWS-based forms and websites.

Individuals deal with ACM to keep up and appeal the endorsements and practice other Amazon web administrations for the site's motivation. ACM authentications can't be dealt with outside of AWS.

Q68). What are the important features of Amazon cloud search?

Important features of the Amazon cloud are:

  • Boolean searches
  • Prefix Searches
  • Range searches
  • Entire text search
  • AutoComplete advice

Q69). What are key pairs in AWS?

Key – pairs are secure login data for your virtual machines. To associate with the occurrences, you can utilize key-sets that contain a public-key and private-key. 

Q70). How to Disable Password-based Logins for Root in Amazon Ec2 Instance?

Utilizing a fixed root secret key for an open AMI is a security chance that can rapidly become known. Notwithstanding depending on clients to change the password after the first login opens a lucky little opening for potential maltreatment.


All of these questions were asked during the AWS Interview Sessions. In your interview, you'll most likely come across quite a few of these. As a result, plan and read them properly. If you have any questions or concerns, please post them in the comments section below.

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