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Understanding SQL CLR Aggregates: Question and Answer

Q1. Why are There SQL User-Defined Aggregates in SQL Server 2012?

Ans: While T-SQL provides several built-in aggregates like SUM, AVG, and MAX, there are situations where these functions may not suffice. Fortunately, SQL Server 2012 introduced SQL CLR features, allowing us to implement user-defined aggregates using .NET code and utilize them in T-SQL. User-defined aggregates can only be implemented in SQL CLR code; there is no equivalent in T-SQL. Since aggregates are primarily used for computation, they are an excellent use case for SQL CLR code and are relatively straightforward to construct.

Q2. What is a SQL User-Defined Aggregate?

Ans: At first glance, aggregates appear to function similarly to functions since they accept and return values. For example, using an aggregate in a T-SQL call such as SELECT SUM(8) treats the aggregate like a function. The parameter passed to an aggregate is typically a column, and each discrete value for that column (based on the scope of WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY, and/or GROUP BY) is passed into the aggregate. The aggregate's task is to update a variable that eventually becomes the return value.

Q3. What is The SQL User-Defined Aggregate Attribute?

Ans: To create CLR aggregates, we need to apply the SqlUserDefinedAggregate attribute to them. This attribute has several optional parameters, with Format.Native being commonly used for the Format parameter in most scenarios. Unlike other attributes like SqlProcedure, SqlFunction, and SqlTrigger, the SqlUserDefinedAggregate attribute is required for your class to qualify as an aggregate in SQL Server. It is essential for successful deployment in Visual Studio SQL Server Database Projects.

Q4. When is Format.User Defined Value used Instead of Format.Native?

Ans: If a user-defined aggregate exceeds 8,000 bytes in size, we must use the Format.User Defined value for the Format parameter instead of Format.Native.

Q5. What are The Methods Aggregate Classes Must Have? What are Their Functions?

Ans: Aggregate classes must have four required methods: Init, Accumulate, Merge, and Terminate. The Init method initializes variables for a new aggregate computation. The Accumulate method accepts a SQL type and converts a discrete value into an aggregate value. The Merge method is called in specific multithreading scenarios, combining the result of one thread's aggregation with the current thread's result. Finally, the Terminate method returns the final aggregated value after processing all discrete values.

Q6. What Does an Aggregate Class do to Implement The Methods?

Ans: To implement the methods, the aggregate class should follow the "conventions" expected of SQL CLR aggregate classes rather than implementing an interface. When using Visual Studio SQL Server Database Project, the Aggregate template provides stubs for these four methods along with the SqlUserDefinedAggregate attribute.

Q7. Create an Aggregate Named Bakers Dozen That Increases Its Accumulated Value by 1 for Each Discrete Value’s Multiple of 12.

Ans: Implementing a BakersDozen aggregate is straightforward. Here is the sample code for the BakersDozen aggregate:  

public struct BakersDozen
    private int DonutCount;

    public void Init()
        DonutCount = 0;

    public void Accumulate(SqlInt32 value)
        DonutCount += value.Value + (value.Value / 12);

    public void Merge(BakersDozen Group)
        DonutCount += Group.DonutCount;

    public SqlInt32 Terminate()
        return new SqlInt32(DonutCount);

Q8. How to Deploy an Aggregate?

Ans: To deploy an aggregate, use attribute-based deployment in the SQL Server Database Project or run the following command for the Class Library version:

CREATE AGGREGATE [dbo].[BakersDozen]
(@input [int])
EXTERNAL NAME [YourAssembly].[YourNamespace.BakersDozen]

Replace [YourAssembly] and [YourNamespace] with your actual assembly and namespace.

Q9. Show Using an Example How an Aggregate Works.

Ans: Let's assume we have a table called AggregateTest with columns OrderItemId, OrderId, and ItemsOrdered. Here's how you can use the BakersDozen aggregate:

SELECT OrderId, dbo.BakersDozen(ItemsOrdered) AS TotalItems
FROM AggregateTest

This query will apply the BakersDozen aggregate to each distinct value in the OrderId column and return the total number of items for each OrderId, including bonus items for multiples of 12.

Q10. Can Aggregates be Passed as Scalar Values?

Ans: Yes, aggregates can be passed as scalar values and used in T-SQL without referencing a row set. Your aggregate should be able to handle this scenario.

Q11. What is The Advantage of Aggregates?

Ans: Aggregates are a powerful tool to perform computational tasks in SQL CLR programming. They are implemented using compiled CLR code, making them perform well. While they cannot be implemented in T-SQL, they provide a flexible way to handle complex calculations in SQL Server. When creating aggregates, it's essential to optimize their performance and keep the code efficient.


SQL User-Defined Aggregates in SQL Server 2012 offer a valuable extension to the built-in T-SQL aggregates. While standard aggregates like SUM, AVG, and MAX serve most needs, there are scenarios where custom computations are required. SQL CLR features introduced in SQL Server 2012 provide a seamless way to implement user-defined aggregates using .NET code, enabling developers to perform complex calculations and computations that were previously not achievable within T-SQL alone.User-defined aggregates require the SqlUserDefinedAggregate attribute and must adhere to specific conventions to be deployed successfully. By leveraging the Init, Accumulate, Merge, and Terminate methods, developers can construct powerful custom aggregates to process data efficiently. Furthermore, by understanding the proper use of Format.Native and Format.User Defined for larger aggregates, developers can optimize their solutions effectively.

The provided example of the BakersDozen aggregate demonstrates the ease with which developers can create custom aggregates to solve specific problems. Such aggregates can be deployed using attribute-based deployment or appropriate T-SQL commands for Class Library versions.The advantages of SQL User-Defined Aggregates lie in their performance, flexibility, and ability to handle computational tasks efficiently. While they cannot replace standard T-SQL aggregates, their integration with CLR code empowers developers to unlock new possibilities for handling complex computations within SQL Server.

Overall, understanding and utilizing SQL User-Defined Aggregates offer developers a powerful toolset to enhance their data processing capabilities, making them valuable additions to their SQL Server toolkit. As with any development endeavor, maintaining efficient and optimized code remains crucial, and developers can further enhance their skills by exploring online SQL certification courses to fully grasp the potential of SQL CLR programming and user-defined aggregates.

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