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Unlock the Power of SQL CLR Triggers: Question and Answer

Q.1. What are SQL CLR Triggers?

Ans: SQL CLR Triggers are stored procedures that SQL Server invokes at specific times when certain data manipulation language (DML) actions occur, such as updates, inserts, and deletes. These triggers can query values inside the DELETED and INSERTED pseudo-tables, which provide "before and after" snapshots of data modified by the triggering statement. SQL CLR triggers can be written in any data manipulation language, similar to SQL CLR stored procedures. For a more comprehensive understanding of SQL CLR triggers, you can enroll in an SQL Server online training.

Q.2. What are Data Definition Language (DDL) Triggers?

Ans: Introduced in SQL Server 2005, DDL triggers intercept and handle actions such as CREATE TABLE and ALTER PROCEDURE. Similar to DML triggers, DDL triggers can be written in either T-SQL or SQL CLR code.

Q.3. What are SQL CLR DML Triggers?

Ans: SQL CLR DML triggers are counterparts to T-SQL triggers and have access to the pseudo-tables DELETED and INSERTED. These triggers are declared to handle specific events for a particular table or view. They can also utilize the SqlTriggerContext object through the SqlContext object's TriggerContext property to determine the triggering event (update, insert, or delete) and the affected columns.

Q.4. Show an Example of the Function of SQL CLR DML Triggers.

Ans: Below is the SQL CLR code for the trgUpdatePerson DML trigger, which functions as a FOR UPDATE trigger on the Person.Person table in the AdventureWorks2012 database:

-- SQLCLR DML Trigger: trgUpdatePerson

CREATE TRIGGER trgUpdatePerson ON Person.Person




    DECLARE @BeforeValue NVARCHAR(100), @AfterValue NVARCHAR(100);

    SELECT @BeforeValue = FirstName FROM DELETED;

    SELECT @AfterValue = FirstName FROM INSERTED;

    -- Echoing back the "before" and "after" values

    DECLARE @Msg NVARCHAR(200) = 'Before Update: ' + @BeforeValue + ', After Update: ' + @AfterValue;


    -- Using TriggerContext to get updated columns

    IF TriggerContext.IsUpdatedColumn('FirstName')


        SqlContext.Pipe.Send('The FirstName column was updated.');


When a row is updated in the Person.Person table, this CLR DML trigger queries the DELETED and INSERTED pseudo-tables to retrieve the "before" and "after" values of the FirstName column. The values are then echoed back as text using the SqlPipe object's Send method. Additionally, the TriggerContext.IsUpdatedColumn method is used to determine if the FirstName column was updated.

Q.5. How Can You Deploy a Trigger Automatically?

Ans: To automatically deploy a trigger, add a SqlTrigger attribute to the .NET function that implements the trigger. Since DML triggers are associated with a target object (table or view) and an event (e.g., "FOR UPDATE" or "INSTEAD OF INSERT"), the SqlTrigger attribute includes parameters for both. Make sure to provide values for both parameters. Although the SqlTrigger attribute only deploys one copy of the trigger, you can use T-SQL to deploy the same code as a separate trigger for a different event and table, assigning a different trigger name to each deployment. For more in-depth knowledge of SQL CLR triggers, you can consider obtaining an online Microsoft SQL certification.

Q.6. How to Create an Update and Insert Trigger?

Ans: You can write a single piece of code that serves as both the update and insert trigger for a given table. Use the TriggerAction property of the TriggerContext object to determine the event that caused the trigger to fire and execute slightly different code accordingly. To deploy such a CLR trigger using the SqlTrigger attribute, set its Event parameter to "FOR UPDATE, INSERT." To register a .NET function as a SQL CLR trigger for the update event only, use the following T-SQL command:

-- Registering a .NET function as a SQL CLR trigger for the update event


ON TableName


AS EXTERNAL NAME AssemblyName.ClassName.MethodName;

Q.7. Write The Query to Test a Trigger.

Ans: To test the trigger, run the following query. (This T-SQL code can be found in the SSMS project's TestTriggers.sql script file.)

-- Test query for the trigger trgUpdatePerson

UPDATE Person.Person

SET FirstName = 'John Doe'

WHERE PersonID = 1;

Q.8. What Can You do to Know About How a DDL Trigger Was Fired?Show it With The Help of an Example.

Ans: In the case of DDL triggers, you may want to gather various environmental information to determine the event that caused the trigger to fire. This information can include the system process ID (SPID) that invoked the trigger, the time of the event, and specific details about the T-SQL command that triggered the event. To obtain this information, you can use the EventData property of the SqlTriggerContext object, which returns XML-formatted event data. Below is an example of a DDL trigger named trgCreateTable:

using System;

using System.Data;

using System.Data.SqlClient;

using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

public class Triggers


    [SqlTrigger(Name = "trgCreateTable", Target = "DATABASE", Event = "FOR CREATE_TABLE")]

    public static void TriggerMethod()


        SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand();

        SqlTriggerContext triggContext = SqlContext.TriggerContext;

        if (triggContext != null)


            string eventData = triggContext.EventData.Value;

            SqlContext.Pipe.Send("Event Data: " + eventData);




In this example, the trgCreateTable trigger is registered to fire for any CREATE TABLE statement executed on the AdventureWorks2012 database. The trigger accesses the EventData property of the SqlTriggerContext object and converts it to a string, which is then sent back to the client using SqlContext.Pipe.Send(). This output will provide details about the event that fired the trigger.

To test the DDL trigger, you can use the following T-SQL DDL command:


After executing the above command, the trigger will provide the output with information about the CREATE TABLE event. Remember, the exact details of the event data will depend on the specific event that triggered the DDL trigger.For a more comprehensive understanding of SQL CLR triggers, you may consider pursuing an online SQL server certification.


SQL CLR triggers offer powerful functionalities that allow developers to respond to specific data manipulation actions in SQL Server. By leveraging the DELETED and INSERTED pseudo-tables, these triggers can capture "before and after" snapshots of data modifications. Additionally, we explored SQL CLR DML triggers, their event handling capabilities, and how they can be automatically deployed using the SqlTrigger attribute.Understanding SQL CLR triggers is a valuable addition to any SQL Server developer's skillset. The ability to create and deploy these triggers efficiently can significantly enhance database management and data manipulation tasks. To master these concepts and expand your SQL Server expertise, we recommend enrolling in an SQL Server online training program. Stay ahead in the dynamic world of database management with comprehensive knowledge and practical experience in SQL CLR triggers.

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