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Here we bring in some top-level HBase interview questions for Freshers and experienced. For Hadoop professionals if they will go for the interview, then following HBase question set can help them in cracking the interview.
Here are some popular questions for freshers and experienced which can help you in cracking the interview. The top and frequently asked questions are included below:
Apache HBase is a column based database which can store the sparse data sets. It is a NoSQL column-oriented database which runs on the top of HDFS or Hadoop distributed file system and is capable to store any type of data. HBase data can be accessed either through a native Java API or through REST gateway due to which it can be accessed from any language. Some of the key properties of HBase are listed below:
Following are a few of the advantages of HBase database like:
They are CouchDB, Cassandra and MongoDB.
In HBase queries the filters can be attached to the queries due to which the programmers can eliminate the not required data from large datasets. Filters can be applied to the data of complete rows. Following are a few most used filters of HBase:
Following are the most used data operations:
Back up of HBase cluster is performed in following two ways:
Live Cluster Back Up: In live backup strategy copy table utility is used to copy the data fromone table to another present in thesame cluster or other clusters. To dump the table content or table data the Export utility is used and the data is dumped onto HDFS of the same cluster.
Full Shut Down Back Up:In this approach a periodic shutdown of the HBase cluster is performed and in this shutdown the master and region servers go down in case when any in-flight change happens to storeFiles or metadata. This kind of approach can be used for back-end analytic capacity and at the same time it cannot be used for the applications that serve front-endwebpages.
In HBase the SQL like support is not available. Apache Phoneix can be used to retrieve data from HBase and for that SQL queries are used.
We can not iterate tables is the reverse order. As at the time of storing data column values are written first on the disk in which the length of the values is written first following by the actual values. For iteration these actual values must be written twice.
Following are the key components of HBase:
Apache Hive in the data warehousing infrastructure which is built on the top of Hadoop. The data stored in HDFS is queried by HQL or Hive Query Language. HQL is a SQL like alanguage which can translate the queries into MapReduce jobs. It performs batch processing on Hadoop file system. Apache HBase runs on the top of HDFS and is a NoSQL key/value store. HBase operations run in the database in real time and not on MapReduce jobs. In HBase the tables are partitioned which are further split into column families.
HBase data model consists of following components:
Column collection is called column family while therow is also a collection of column families.
In this default mode of HBase it does not use HDFS. HBase runs on thelocal filesystem and all HBase daemons and local ZooKeeper runs in the same JVM process.
Following are a few data manipulation commands of HBase:
In HBase whenever the cell is deleted, it is not actually deleted basically a tombstone marker is set internally, which makes the deleted cell invisible. Deletion is actually done during major compaction. Three types of tombstone markers are:
Any of the aspiring candidate for HBase interview can refer the above listed questions while going for an interview. Apart from the above listed questions there are many more new concepts and questions which you should know for cracking the interview. Along with the basic knowledge of tool you must have practical knowledge as well to prove yourself.
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