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Under the guidance of the expert team of Janbask, We have listed some important Hive Interview Questions and with their answers. The questions are framed in such a way that the candidates will be able to understand the concept of Hive along with the understanding of question pattern.
The Hive is an is an open-source-software tool used in ETL and Data warehousing, developed on top of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). The Hive is mainly used while making data warehouse applications and while dealing with static data instead of dynamic data.
A:The Hive is an is an open-source-software tool used in ETL and Data warehousing, developed on top of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Hive is a data warehouse framework, that is used for querying and analysis of data is stored in HDFS.
A: These modes of Hive are,
A: The Map reduce mode is used when,
A: Key components of Hive Architecture include,
A: There are mainly two types of tables available in Hive.
A: Hive is composed of,
A: As the insert and update function at the row level is not provided, Hive becomes is not suitable for OLTP systems
A: In Hive the analysis of the internal structure of the columns, rows, and complex objects are done using Object Inspector functionality. Object Inspector functionality creates accessibility to the internal fields present inside the objects.
A: Hive Server2 is a server interface. The following functions are performed by HiveServer2.
A: In order to execute the jobs in the order of dependencies, Hive query processor with the execution time framework, convert the graph of MapReduce jobs.
A: The components of a Hive query processor are,
A: No, it isn't possible to name view same as the name of a Hive table. When compared to all the other tables, The name of a view has to be unique and as views present in the same database.
A: Views are Similar to tables In Hive, They are generated based on the requirements.
A: By using "set.hive.enforce.bucketing=true;" command buckets can be enabled.
A: Yes, overwriting Hadoop MapReduce configuration is possible in Hive.
A: By using the command, "ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE column_name column_name new_datatype;
" one can change a column data type in Hive.
A: SORT BY: Sorts the data within each reducer. A lot of reducers for SORT BY operation. ORDER BY: Sorts all the data together, that passes through one reducer. Thus, ORDER BY uses a single in Hive.
A: Hive uses explode when an array is taken as input and converted into a separate table row in order to convert complex data types into desired table formats.
A: Stopping a partition form being queried by using the "ENABLE OFFLINE" clause with the ALTER TABLE statement.
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