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Interview Questions Based On List Views & Its Filters


In Salesforce, "List Views" and their associated filters play a significant role in managing and organizing records within various objects (such as leads, contacts, accounts, opportunities, etc.). They allow users to create customized views of records based on specific criteria, making it easier to access and work with relevant data. Here's an overview of List Views and filters in Salesforce that are essential to learning while you prepare for your upcoming Salesforce interview.

Q.1. How are List Views Used in Salesforce?

Ans: View, edit, and create records from lists. List views are the best way to sort, prioritize, and analyze your most important records.The list view only shows the data you have access to. You can view records that you own, read, write, or have shared with you. List views include records owned or shared by users in roles below you in the hierarchy. Which fields are displayed depending on the page layout and the field-level security settings?

  1. Select a list view from the drop-down menu. Pin the list and set it as default (1).
  2. Use the List View Control menu (2) to edit, delete, or create List Views.
  3. Create records directly from the list view (3).
  4. Display the list in different ways. Use charts to visualize list view data and the(4) filters to narrow down the displayed records.
  5. Depending on the object, switch between the standard table view, Kanban view, and tile view(5).
  6. Browse the list view for your desired data (6).
  7. Edit fields directly in the list view using the list view header or next to record details.
  8. Edit or delete a record by choosing the dropdown menu next to the record.
  9. Use the ListView control to modify and create list views from the record home page. Select > Select Fields to Display to change and rearrange the columns displayed in the list view. The fields correspond to the columns in the final list view.
  10. Adds a field to the list view (1).
  11. Sort columns in list view (2). Columns are shown from left to right in the order they appear in the display field.

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Q.2. How to Improve List View Performance in Salesforce?

Ans: Develop a list view maintenance strategy and optimize filters to speed up list views.To prevent performance degradation over time, develop a strategy and governance process for managing list views in your Salesforce organization. Make sure these processes are easily reproducible.

  1. Divide users into groups with specific analytical needs and use cases.
  2. Use centralized groups to manage your organization's analytical needs.
  3. Use a feedback process that allows a centralized group to create and manage new list views.
  4. Educate users on the overall management strategy.
  5. Develop an archiving process to deal with data growth.

Use a representative test group to simulate the use of list views in production.List view filters can have a significant impact on its performance. Make your filters as specific as possible. The number of records in your organization and the number of records your users have access to can also affect performance. If your list view returns more than 2,000 records, use the report instead. List view results are truncated at 2,000 records, so a filter set that returns more than 2,000 records will spend extra time querying 2,000 records that cannot be displayed. Consider the following tips to improve list view performance and reduce the number of records returned in a query.

  1. Use the EQUALS operator instead of the CONTAINS operator.
  2. Use AND statements instead of OR statements.
  3. Use filters on start dates, end dates, and relative dates.
  4. Limit the scope of filters to individuals or teams.
  5. Restrict access to records to only necessary users and profiles.
  6. Reduce the number of displayed fields.

Q.3. List Out The Different Default List View filters.

Ans:  Accounts

All Accounts

Filter by Owner: All accounts

My Accounts

Filter by Owner: My accounts

New Last Salesforceek

Filter by Owner: All accounts

Created Date: Equals Last SalesforceEK

New This Salesforceek

Filter by Owner: All accounts

Created Date: Equals This SalesforceEK

Platinum and Gold SLA Customers

Filter by Owner: All accounts

Recently VieSalesforced


Recently VieSalesforced Accounts

Filter by Owner: Recently VieSalesforced


All Active Campaigns

Filter by Owner: All campaigns

Active: Equals True

My Active Campaigns

Filter by Owner: My campaigns

Active: Equals True

Recently VieSalesforced



All Closed Cases

Filter by Owner: All cases

Closed: Equals True

All Open Cases

Filter by Owner: All cases

Closed: Equals False

My Cases

Filter by Owner: My Cases

My Open Cases

Filter by Owner: My cases

Closed: Equals False

Recently VieSalesforce


Recently VieSalesforce Cases

Filter by Owner: Recently VieSalesforce


All Contacts

Filter by Owner: All contacts

Birthdays This Month

Filter by Owner: All contacts

Birthdate: equals This Month

My Contacts

Filter by Owner: My contacts

New Last Salesforceek

Filter by Owner: All contacts

Created Date: Equals Last SalesforceEK

New This Salesforceek

Filter by Owner: All contacts

Created Date: Equals This SalesforceEK

Recently VieSalesforced


Recently VieSalesforced Contacts

Filter by Owner: Recently VieSalesforced


All Open Leads

Filter by Owner: All leads

Lead Status: Does not contain closed

My Unread Leads

Filter by Owner: My leads

Unread by Owner: Equals True

Recently VieSalesforced


Recently VieSalesforced Contacts

Filter by Owner: Recently VieSalesforced

Today’s Leads

Filter by Owner: All leads

Created Date: Equals Today

View - Custom 1

Filter by Owner: All leads

View - Custom 2

Filter by Owner: All leads


All Opportunities

Filter by Owner: All opportunities

Closing Next Month

Filter by Owner: All opportunities

Closed: Equals False

Close Date: Equals Next Month

Closing This Month

Filter by Owner: All opportunities

Closed: Equals False

Close Date: Equals This Month

My Opportunities

Filter by Owner: My opportunities

New Last Salesforceek

Filter by Owner: All opportunities

Created Date: Equals LAST SalesforceEK

New This Salesforceek

Filter by Owner: All opportunities

Created Date: equals THIS SalesforceEK

Opportunity Pipeline

Filter by Owner: My opportunities

Close Date: Greater or equal Last 3 Months


Filter by Owner: All opportunities

Private: Equals True

Recently VieSalesforced


Recently VieSalesforced Accounts

Filter by Owner: Recently Vie Salesforce


Filter by Owner: All opportunities

Closed: Equals True

Won: Equals True

Q.4. Explain Pin List Views in Lightning Experience.

Ans: Change the default list view for items with pinned lists. A fixed list of items loads as the default list view. The default fixed list for all objects is the recent Salesforce list.Click to pin the list view. Selecting this object loads the pinned list view as the default list view. The icon indicates a pinned list. Select another list view and pin it instead to pin a different list. When using Experience Builder to create record list views in Experience Cloud Sites, selecting a list view default value other than Default overrides the user's fixed list. To allow users to create their fixed lists, leave Lists his view as the default. Otherwise, users will see the list view set as default, even if they have a pinned list.The Pin list reverts to the default view after clearing the browser cache.

Q.5. What are Search List Views?

Ans: In Salesforce, a "Search List View" refers to a specialized type of list view that allows users to define and save specific search criteria for quickly accessing records that meet those criteria. Unlike traditional list views, which may primarily rely on field-based filters, search list views are particularly useful when you need to search for records using a combination of keyword searches and field filters.

Here's how search list views work:

Dynamic Filtering: Search list views allow you to define dynamic filters using a combination of keyword search terms and field-based filters. This enables you to narrow down your record search based on both textual information and specific attribute values.

Keyword Search: You can enter search terms directly into the search bar at the top of the list view. Salesforce will then search for those keywords across various fields in the records of the selected object.

Field Filters: In addition to keyword searches, you can also apply field filters to further refine your search results. These filters are based on specific fields within the object's records.

Saving The Search: Once you've applied the desired search terms and field filters, you can save the search as a search list view. This way, you can easily access the same combination of filters and keywords in the future without having to re-enter them each time.

Search list views are particularly useful when you're looking for specific records based on a combination of information and attributes. They enhance your ability to quickly locate records that meet your search criteria while taking advantage of both keyword-based and field-based filters.

Get more insights about what skill sets are required to crack the Salesforce App Builder certification through our well-researched blog!

Q.6. What are Sort List Views and Print List Views?

Ans: Many objects allow you to view records in a list, also known as a "list view."You can sort the records by any field column. For instance, you can sort the All Accounts list view by field column Account Name, Accounting State/Province, etc. You can also sort the custom list views. The sort is alphanumeric.

  1. Open the list view.
  2. Click the field column header to sort.

Arrows indicate how the list is sorted: first record( ) (alphanumeric) or last record ( ) in the column. Ask the administrator to enable list view printing to print standard and custom list views.

In Lightning Experience, click Printable View in the list. In Salesforce Classic, press the Print icon present at the top of the list view you want to print. You can print list views for the following items:

  • Accounts
  • Activities
  • Campaigns
  • Cases
  • Contacts
  • Contracts
  • Custom objects

Printable views of events, tasks, recent Salesforce lists, or related lists are not available. Search results, selected records, and related list quick filters are not used when generating printable views.

Q.7. What are The Possible Steps to Customize Your Data View?

Ans: Create custom list views to display records that match your criteria. Set filters to determine which records to display. All records matching the filter criteria are displayed in the list view.

  • Create List View 

Creates a ListView to display specific records of an object.

  • Creating a List View Chart in Lightning Experience

Create charts to visualize list view data. There are three charts: column charts, horizontal bar charts, and donut charts. You can change the data display for each listview chart to another type as needed. To create list view diagrams of objects. B. Opportunity or Lead, the chart is linked to the object. Charts are available in all list views you have permission to see this object (except recently vieSalesforced list).

  • Edit List View Charts in Lightning Experience

Adjust or update your custom list view charts to show the most meaningful data visualizations. There are charts of three types: column, bar, and donut. You can change the data display for each listview chart to another type as needed. 

To change the records displayed in the list view, edit the list view filter.

  • Deleting List Views

Deletes list views that are no longer needed.

Q.8. How to Create a Custom List View in Salesforce Classic?

Ans: Create a list view to display a specific set of contact, document, or other object records. For example, create a list view of accounts in your state, leads with a specific lead source, or opportunities over a certain amount. You can also create views of contacts, leads, users, or cases for bulk email recipient lists.

  1. Click Create New View at the top of any listing page or in the Views section of any tab page.
  2. Enter the view name. The view name appears in the view dropdown list.
  3. Enter a unique name for the ViewView. APIs and managed packages use it, and a "Distinguished name" is not allowed in public and private list views. Private list views are searchable only if you have access to them.
  4. Enter the filter criteria. If you want more filter fields, click Add Filter Logic.
  5. A view can display up to 15 different fields from the page layout. Select the fields to display in the list view. Default fields are automatically selected.
  6. The list view displays 255 characters when selecting a long text area field.
  7. Click Save. The View will appear in the View dropdown list for future reference.

You can change the number of records displayed per page using the dropdown list at the bottom left of the list view. Salesforce administrators or users with Manage Public List Views permission can hide List Views so only they can see them. Press Edit next to the list view name. Select Visible to specific user groups. Select a group or role type from the dropdown list, select a group or role from the list, and click Add.

The first step is to take the Salesforce Certification Training program and then refer to our blogs. Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition users can grant access to public groups or roles, including all users under her role.

Q.9. What Steps Exist to Create or Clone a List View in Lightning Experience?

Ans: Create a list view to display an infinitely scrollable list of records that match your filter criteria.Actions performed on the List View are available in the List View Controls menu.

  1. Under Listview Control, select New. Alternatively, click Duplicate to create a copy of the current list view.
  2. Give the list a name and a unique API name.
  3. Select who can see this list view. Choose from just yourself or all users, including partners and customer portal users.
  4. Click Save. The Filter panel is displayed.
  5. Click ViewView and select All Items or My Items.
  6. Add and set filters to display only records that match your criteria. You have various options depending on the field you filter on and the operator you choose.
  • Click Add Filter.
  • Select the field, operator, and value to filter.

Depending on the field type selected, you can either select a value or enter your own value. The filter only supports values ​​between the minimum and maximum of 32-bit signed integers or between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,648. A value outside this range disables this filter.

  1. Click Done.
  2. To add logic to filter further the records displayed in the list view, click Filter Logic. To refer to filters in logic statements, use the number assigned to each filter.
  3. Let's say a sales rep wants to see all opportunities that Salesforce created after July 2015 and that is in the late stages of negotiation,
  4. Likely to close, or both. There is a filter here.
  • Last modified date after July 1, 2015
  • Phases include offer/price offer and negotiation/review.
  • Probability greater than 50

Next, the salesperson adds the logical statement 1 AND (2 OR 3).

  1. Click Save. The ViewView appears in the list view dropdown list for future reference. Pin the list view to load it as the default list for that object.
  2. Select and arrange the columns in the list view as required.
  • From the List View Control menu, select Fields to Display.
  • Use the arrows to add, remove, and rearrange display fields.
  • Click Save.

Select Share Settings from the List View Controls menu to share a list view. The list view only shows the data you have access to. You'll see records that you own or have read or written access to and records that've been shared with you. List views also include records owned or shared by users in roles below you in the role hierarchy. Only fields that are visible according to the page layout and field-level security settings are displayed. From there, you can browse the roles in the organization to find groups with which to share list views.

Q.10. How to Create a List View Chart in Salesforce?

Ans: Create a chart to see list view data. There are three different types of charts: vertical bar, horizontal bar, and donut. You can change the data display for each list view chart to a different type as needed.Whenever you create a list view chart for an object like Opportunity or Lead, it is linked to the object. Charts are available in all list views that you have permission to see this object, except the recently viewed list.

  1. On the object home page, select the list view of the data you want to visualize.
  2. Click.
  3. In the graph area that appears click.
  4. Select New Chart.
  5. A dialog box appears.
  6. Enter a chart name.
  7. Select the chart type: column, bar, or donut.
  8. Select the aggregation type, aggregation field, and grouping field.

Q.11. How to Edit a List View Chart in Lightning Experience?

Ans: Improve or update custom list view charts to show the most meaningfuldata visualizations. There are three charts: column charts, horizontal bar charts, and donut charts.If desired, change the data display to a different type for each listview chart.

  1. On the homepage of an object, click.
  2. In the chart pane that appears, select the name of the custom chart.
  3. Click.
  4. Select Edit Graph -> A dialog box appears.
  5. Make changes to the chart name, type, aggregation type, aggregation field, or grouping field.

Aggregation type indicates how field data is calculated (sum, count, or average). It specifies the type of data and the grouping field labels for the chart's segments.

Q.12. What are The Essential Steps to Edit List View Filters in Lightning Experience?

Ans: Edit filters in a list view using the listview control to access the Filters panel.Some list views have predefined filter areas and cannot be filtered. For example, SOQL queries for the general Teams list view or the Recently VieSalesforced listview do not allow further filtering of the query results. Actions carried out on the List View are available in the List View Controls menu.

  1. From the list view control, select Edit List Filters.
  2. Edit, remove, or add filters only to display records that match the criteria. Different options depend on the field filtered on, and the operator chose.
  3. Select an operator from the filter By the drop-down menu. For example, Equals, Starts with, or Excludes.
  4. Select or enter a value in Value and click Finish. The filter only supports values ​​between the minimum and maximum 32-bit signed integers or between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,648. Values ​​outside this range disable this filter.
  5. Adjust the filter logic as needed. A filter logic statement cannot reference a filter number that does not exist.
  6. Click Save to apply the edited filter and update the current list view.

To create a list view based on filter changes, click Save As instead. Anyone with access to the list can see the results of saved changes.

Q.13. How to Delete List Views in Salesforce and Lightning Experience?

Ans: Delete custom views that are no longer needed.

  1. Select the custom list view.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click Delete.

Delete list views that are no longer needed.

  1. Select the list view.
  2. Click to access the list view control.
  3. Select Delete.

Q.14. How to Work With Related Lists in Salesforce Classic Records?

Ans: Salesforce records group related record links and details in related lists. Some related lists let you perform everyday tasks on related objects, such as Create Records or Attach Files.

For instance, a lead record offers several related lists with available activities. It lists available activities and key activity fields. You can create a new task, activity, or new meeting request from this related list. When a task associated with a lead is closed, a link to that task appears in the Activity History-related list on the lead record. This list shows the same key fields as available activity and provides other everyday tasks.

Organizing and accessing related lists is easy. The method is as follows.

  1. Scroll the page to find the related list you want.
  2. If the organization has hover links for related lists enabled, click the link to view the list in a popup.
  3. Click Customize Page to select and arrange available related lists to display. 

Seeing and using related lists depends on the following:

  1.  User Permissions
  2.  UI and Page Layout Customizations by Salesforce Admins
  3. Personal Customizations.

Q.15. How to Work With Related Lists in Lightning Experience Records?

Ans: Records in Salesforce contain details and links to other related records. Some related lists help to perform everyday tasks on related objects, such as Create Records or Attach Files. If the related information is in the central area of ​​the record, a card appears on the Related(1) tab. The card is grouped in the sidebar if the related list is in the narrow sidebar area of ​​the record (2). Where related list cards appear on a page is highly configurable per object and can vary by organization.

  • The Related Lists button (1) is located in the upper right corner of every associated list card. If there are more than one buttons, make use  of the pull-down menu to access them.
  • Each item in a related list card contains a link (2) that opens the related record.
  • Record-specific actions (3) are located in the pull-down menu next to each related record.
  • When related list cards are in a significant page area, each card displays up to 6 records. The associated list card shows up to 3 records in the narrow area. To see the complete list of related records, select Show All (4).

Select See All to open the complete related list. From there, add to related lists using quick filters. Related list quick filters work similarly to list view filters, except they are not saved, persist only during the current session, and cannot be shared.

The related lists viewed and used are

  • User Permissions
  • UI and Page Layout Customizations by Salesforce Admins
  • Personal Customizations.


Understanding List Views and their associated filters is crucial for effectively managing and accessing data within Salesforce or any similar system. These features empower users to tailor their views of records according to specific criteria, enhancing productivity and efficiency. By allowing users to create, modify, and share List Views, organizations can ensure that their teams have quick access to the information most relevant to their roles.

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