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Top Mobile Testing Interview Questions And Answers


The incremental growth in mobile phone utilization is due the global digital transformations, and in order to cater to the needs of such growing customer demands, the majority of the software applications come with corresponding mobile app versions. This advanced growth in mobile applications compels businesses to pay attention to mobile testing. This has led to amazing career opportunities in the mobile testing field.   For everyone preparing for mobile testing interview questions, this list of 75+ most commonly asked mobile testing interview questions and answers will be helpful.

Different professionals are associated with this profile, like mobile test engineers, mobile automation test engineers, mobile application test engineers, quality engineers, security test engineers, senior mobile testers, etc. On average, a mobile app tester earns around $69,434  per year, while the salary range falls between $61,383 and $81,029. 

Have a look at our mobile application testing interview questions and answers for experienced as well as freshers will help you prepare yourself better for the next interview and land your dream job. Enroll in professional QA testing courses or QA training for beginners to speed up your growth today. 

We’ve categorized this guide into the following categories:

  • Fundamental Mobile Testing Interview Questions And Answers
  • Mobile Application Testing Interview Questions And Answers For Experienced And Freshers
  • Advanced Mobile Automation Testing Interview Questions And Answers

Let’s get started with the fundamental mobile app testing interview questions and answers:

Fundamental Mobile Testing Interview Questions & Answers

As mentioned earlier, there are numerous opportunities for mobile testers from a number of eminent companies across the globe. As per a study, the mobile app testing field is expected to reach $13.3 billion by 2026.

Thus, you still got opportunities to move forward in your manual software testing career. This comprehensive list of mobile automation interview questions and answers will definitely help you crack your interview and get your dream job.

Q1. How are mobile testing and mobile app testing different?

Mobile testing means checking the functionalities of a mobile device, while mobile app testing means testing applications running over mobile devices. I hope the difference is pretty much clear to you now.

Q2. What are the possible types of mobile applications?

Mobile apps are majorly categorized into three categories – These are native, web, and hybrid apps.

  • Native apps – Native apps are available in Google or Apple Play Stores. They are easy to download and install onto your mobile phone and run as a native application only. For example – WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.
  • Web Apps – The apps that are made available from different web browsers like IE, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc., with the help of your mobile Wi-Fi connection. These could be m.facebook.com, m.gmail.com, and more.
  • Hybrid Apps – As the name suggests, hybrid apps are the perfect combination of web or native apps, and they can be used at your convenience.

Q3. Do you know how to check the CPU usage on mobile devices?

Here, this is how you should answer this mobile testing interview question- For this purpose, you just need to install an advanced application or tool onto your mobile device and check the CPU usage right away.

Q4. Name a few bug-tracking tools that are suitable for mobile testing.

There are plenty of options for the same, like JIRA, Bugzilla, QC, etc. It is one of the most frequently asked mobile testing interview questions you should not miss during preparation.

Q5. When you are performing mobile testing, what are the possible networks available there?

It is necessary to test the application on multiple networks like 2G, 3G, 4G, or Wi-Fi networks, etc. It would be great if you may test the application on a slower network to track the performance of an application. Candidates find these types of mobile automation testing interview questions easy to answer, so you must practice more.

Q6. What are the possible things to consider while testing a mobile application through a black box technique? 

Following are the key pointers you can answer to this mobile automation interview questions: 

  • Don’t forget to check your application on multiple devices.
  • Make sure it is connected or disconnected correctly every time you change the IP address or the port number.
  • Send messages repeatedly to multiple devices.
  • In the end, don’t forget to test the app on multiple browsers too, like IE, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.

Q7. What are the possible things to consider while performing the sanity testing technique on a mobile application? 

  • You need to check whether the app is installed or uninstalled correctly from the mobile device.
  • You should test the application on multiple networks like 2G, 3G, 4G, or Wi-Fi networks, etc.
  • Don’t forget to check whether the app is working perfectly after installation.
  • Now check whether you are able to receive calls or not while running an application.
  • Check for compatibility whether you are able to attach images from Gallery or not.
  • This is the time to make your hands dirty with some kind of negative mobile app testing by adding invalid credentials. 

Q8. How will you check whether a particular file belongs to the Android or IOS family?

The files with the extension “apk” are Android files. Files with the extension “IPA” are taken as the IOS files.  When preparing for manual mobile testing interview questions, this is one of the most important interview questions you can’t miss. 

Q9. What is the complete form of MMS, MO, MT, and WAP in mobile testing? 

Following is the answer to this  mobile testing interview question:

MMS- Multimedia Messaging

MT - Message Terminated

MO- Message Originated

WAP - Wireless Access Protocol

 Q10. What is GPRS, and how does it work on your mobile device?

GPRS is a general packet radio service that works on your mobile device with the help of IP transmissions. It helps in the transmission of IP packets with the help of a cellular network. It helps you in accessing web services on your mobile device. It is a significant topic mainly included in the fundamental mobile testing interview questions. 

Q11. How will you explain the streaming media concept for your mobile device?

Streaming is the process of downloading content from a particular server. With the help of this process, the desired content can be delivered from the server to the user's device.

mobile testing interview questions and answers for experienced

Before we move further and go through the mobile testing interview questions and answers for experienced pdf, make sure you have proper clarity on the software QA tester role.  You can enroll in QA testing certification course for more understanding.

Mobile Testing Interview Questions And Answers For Experienced

Now let us move to some mobile testing interview questions and answers for experienced pdf: 

Q12. What is the latest version of Windows available so far?

It is Windows 11. (It keeps on changing so check accordingly) This is a kind of manual mobile testing interview questions you should not miss.

Q13. What is the latest version of Android available so far?

It is Android 13 that was released on August 15, 2022. (It keeps on changing so check accordingly) It is a significant topic that is mostly included in the top mobile testing interview questions.

Q14. What is the latest version of IOS available so far?

It is IOS 16, released on September 12, 2022 and the latest version iOS 16.5 was released on May 18, 2023. (It keeps on changing so check accordingly). Candidates find these types of mobile automation testing interview questions typical to answer, so you need to be prepared.

Q15. Name a few automation tools available for mobile application testing.

Mobile app testing could be done manually or automatedly. A number of mobile test automation tools are available which can be used for it, not each tool, but a few of then are below as per their demand and usage.

  • TestComplete
  • HeadSpin
  • Kobiton - An iOS and Android device cloud
  • Avo Assure
  • TestGrid
  • Bug Hunter
  • Eggplant - Android as well as  iOS
  • testRigor
  • Appium
  • iOS Driver (iOS)
  • Ranorex Studio
  • Selenium for Andriod (Selendroid)
  • Katalon Studio

Learn extraordinary mobile testing skills using Appium certification training course

Q16. How can you check the size of screens on your mobile devices?

Measurement of screen size of mobile devices are calculated by estimating diagonally starting from the upper left-hand corner of the screen to the lower right hand corner of the screen. These measurements of screen size of mobile devices are conveyed in inches. 

When preparing for  mobile app testing interview questions, this is one of the most important mobile automation interview questions that you can’t miss.

Q17. How will you differentiate the two terms emulator and simulator from each other?

The working of an emulator is based on software and hardware both while working on a simulator is based on software only. Simulation is a system that behaves exactly like something while an emulator is defined as the system that exactly behaves like something else.

Q18. What are the common mobile app testing challenges faced by the developers? 

  • How to work with different operating systems?

  • Testing app functionalities on a variety of handsets

  • Testing app on different mobile networks

  • Checking screen sizes etc.

Q19. What are common web services used by web developers these days?

These are SOAP, REST, Restful, etc. along with Siri or Alexa, Google Maps are some of the other examples of web services that are being used in daily life. When preparing for a mobile testing interview, this is one of the most important mobile app testing interview questions that you can’t miss.

Q20. Is mobile internet setting supported by Selenium automation testing tool?

Yes, it is supported but you have to use the Opera web browser in that case.

Mobile Testing Interview Questions And Answers For Experienced

Now let us move to some mobile testing interview questions and answers for experienced pdf: 

Q12. What is the latest version of Windows available so far?

It is Windows 11. (It keeps on changing so check accordingly) This is a kind of manual mobile testing interview questions you should not miss.

Q13. What is the latest version of Android available so far?

It is Android 13 that was released on August 15, 2022. (It keeps on changing so check accordingly) It is a significant topic that is mostly included in the top mobile testing interview questions.

Q14. What is the latest version of IOS available so far?

It is IOS 16, released on September 12, 2022 and the latest version iOS 16.5 was released on May 18, 2023. (It keeps on changing so check accordingly). Candidates find these types of mobile automation testing interview questions typical to answer, so you need to be prepared.

Q15. Name a few automation tools available for mobile application testing.

Mobile app testing could be done manually or automatedly. A number of mobile test automation tools are available which can be used for it, not each tool, but a few of then are below as per their demand and usage.

  • TestComplete
  • HeadSpin
  • Kobiton - An iOS and Android device cloud
  • Avo Assure
  • TestGrid
  • Bug Hunter
  • Eggplant - Android as well as  iOS
  • testRigor
  • Appium
  • iOS Driver (iOS)
  • Ranorex Studio
  • Selenium for Andriod (Selendroid)
  • Katalon Studio

Learn extraordinary mobile testing skills using Appium certification training course

Q16. How can you check the size of screens on your mobile devices?

Measurement of screen size of mobile devices are calculated by estimating diagonally starting from the upper left-hand corner of the screen to the lower right hand corner of the screen. These measurements of screen size of mobile devices are conveyed in inches. 

When preparing for  mobile app testing interview questions, this is one of the most important mobile automation interview questions that you can’t miss.

Q17. How will you differentiate the two terms emulator and simulator from each other?

The working of an emulator is based on software and hardware both while working on a simulator is based on software only. Simulation is a system that behaves exactly like something while an emulator is defined as the system that exactly behaves like something else.

Q18. What are the common mobile app testing challenges faced by the developers? 

  • How to work with different operating systems?
  • Testing app functionalities on a variety of handsets
  • Testing app on different mobile networks
  • Checking screen sizes etc.

Q19. What are common web services used by web developers these days?

These are SOAP, REST, Restful, etc. along with Siri or Alexa, Google Maps are some of the other examples of web services that are being used in daily life. When preparing for a mobile testing interview, this is one of the most important mobile app testing interview questions that you can’t miss.

Q20. Is mobile internet setting supported by Selenium automation testing tool?

Yes, it is supported but you have to use the Opera web browser in that case.

Advanced Mobile Testing Interview Questions & Answers

Here is another set of advanced mobile testing interview questions and answers for experienced:  

Q21. What is the best strategy to test any mobile app as per your experience?

It includes – System integration testing, Functional Testing, HTML control testing, installation or uninstallation testing, performance testing, browser compatibility testing, check performance on multiple browsers, gateway testing, network security testing, etc. You can learn more about mobile testing, manual software testing and enhance your knowledge further with this comprehensive blog post on – What is End to End Testing and How to Perform It?

Q22. Write a test plan for the mobile app.

  • Define the objective of testing first.
  • Decide on the automation testing tools.
  • List the possible number of features that should be tested for your app like network, security, performance, size, memory, or battery etc.
  • In this step, make a list of features that should not be tested.
  • Define the test cases and test strategy.
  • Define a timeline for the testing process.
  • Make a list of the total number of resources required for testing.

Q23. Explain the most critical bug that you have managed over during your work experience.

There is not a fixed answer to this question and it will vary from person to person based on their previous work experiences. This is how you can answer these types of mobile testing interview questions when there is no sure shot answer. 

Q24. How can you create an Emulator on Android? 

  • Give a name in the name field.
  • Decide on the desired API from the list.
  • Give the size details.
  • Make the needed skin selection.
  • Click over create AVD option
  • Select the needed AVD option.
  • Click on the Start button and Launch.

Q25. What should be the selection criteria for test automation tools for mobile testing?

The selection criteria for test automation tools for mobile testing should support the following features –

  • Multi-Platform compatibility
  • Script usability
  • Source code changes
  • Jailbreak statements
  • Compatibility with different operating systems

Q26. When should you choose manual testing?

You can prefer the manual testing in two possible cases as given below –

  • If the app needs to be tested only once or twice.
  • If a small functional code is added to the application.

It is one of the most commonly asked mobile testing interview question and answers. 

Q27. When should you choose automation testing?

You can prefer the automation testing in two possible cases as given below –

  • If there is a need for performing testing over again and again
  • Automation testing is suitable for complex scenarios too.

Q28. What are the challenges faced by developers when testing the app in the cloud?

The possible challenges as per the experience are listed below –

  • Higher subscription costs
  • Difficult subscription models
  • Lock-in
  • Internet connection issues
  • Time-consuming
  • Tough to understand

Q29. What facts should you consider while testing an application for security? 

You must consider the following facts when testing an application for security -

  • Check the application for multi-user support
  • How are files accessed by third-party users
  • How data is encrypted or decrypted for sensitive information
  • Ther should not be any malicious content within your application

Q30. What do you mean by the port testing for mobile devices?

When you are checking the same function on different platforms or devices, it is called port testing. There are two possible cases here – Device testing and platform testing.

Q31. How many types of automation testing tools are available for mobile devices?

There could be object-based or image-based mobile automation testing tools to automate the testing based on different scenarios. This is how you should answer these types of mobile automation testing interview questions and answers. 

Q32. How to make the Bluetooth settings on your phone?

In the modern phone, there is a shortcut on the home screen only that can be used to connect with available devices quickly. For older versions, you should first search the available devices and connect with the desired one.

Q33. How will you differentiate the WAP testing and web testing?

WAP testing is basically needed for the network application while Web testing is needed for portals or websites majorly. Candidates find these types of mobile automation testing interview questions typical to answer, so you need to practice more.

Q34. What are the different types of GPRS classes and how are they used?

There are three classes of the GPRS as discussed below.

  • Class A – You can connect to the GPRS or GSM together at the same time.
  • Class B – You can connect to both GPRS and GSM but only one at a particular time.
  • Class C – You can either connect to GPRS or GSM or switch off the other connection manually.

Q35. What are the common types of bugs found when testing an application?

These are CRITICAL, BLOCK, MAJOR, and MINOR bugs. You should handle each of them as per the requirement and follow the best testing strategy too.

Q36. Is there any other name for the peer review meeting?

The other name for the peer review meeting is the Technical review meeting. Candidates find these types of mobile automation testing interview questions typical to answer, so you need to be prepared.

Q37. Where are the APNs stored?

APNs are stored within contexts and they are identified by numbers and specify how one data connection can be established. When preparing for testing interview, this is one of the most important mobile app testing interview questions that you can’t miss.

Q38. What are the possible number of features that one mobile application should have?

There are possibly 9 key features that mobile applications should have which include push notification, searchable content, content types, speed, security, easy navigation, payment gateway, social login, and HTML5 with responsive design.

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Q39. How will you define the application package in mobile testing?

The application package means the target application that you need to be tested for errors, bugs, defects, etc. It is among the most frequently asked mobile application testing interview questions and answers.

Q40. What are the possible numbers of testing performed during the standard android strategy?

These could be integration testing, Unit testing, system testing, or operation testing, etc. based on the features available within a mobile app, there are other tests too that can be performed. You can have a brief overview on unit testing with this complete unit testing tutorial

Q41. Give an example of a cross-platform testing problem.

Typically, the problem is caused by a different OS or device version. The same application could function properly on one OS but not on another version. For instance, we experienced a problem where our application was fine on iOS 16.x devices but crashed when a few modules were tapped on iOS 15.x devices. The same thing happened with 2.3.5 Vs.

Q42. What Sorts Of Tests Work Well With Appium?

There are numerous scenarios that can be tested when it comes to testing, especially for webview-based apps, depending on the level of feature coverage you want to guarantee. When testing situations that consumers would experience when using your app, Appium comes in helpful.

Q43. What Issues Are Raised During The Execution Of A Test In A Multithreaded Environment?

When using Appium in a multithreaded environment, certain precautions must be taken. The use of threads in your tests is unrelated to the issue. You are allowed to utilize them, but you must make sure that only one test is running concurrently against the same Appium server. This is a kind of manual mobile testing interview questions you must prepare for.

While preparing for these mobile testing interview questions, or QA testing certification, do not forget to check out our free QA quiz to enhance your knowledge further. 

Q44. What Software Should Be Used For Performance Testing And Automation?

You can use JMeter to test the responsiveness of online services. It is an open source instrument that may be used to evaluate the performance of the API. There are a number of premium automation tools like SeeTest, Ranorex, Silk Mobile, etc. available on the market, while free automation tools include Calabash, Appium, Robotium for Android, and KIF for iOS.

Q45. What Equipment Is Used For Debugging?

Logs are typically used to identify the problem and the location of the failure. Therefore, the iPhone configuration application for iOS and Monitor.bat for Android can both be utilized. The developer can quickly identify the problem's root cause if you give them the logs from these tools.

Q46. List a few drawbacks to automation testing.

Even with automated testing, human error is still a possibility because some instruments are unreliable, expensive, ineffective, and occasionally even technologically incapable of performing certain tests. While you are checking through the drawbacks, do not forget to check out this integration testing tutorial guide. 

Q47. What Conditions Must Be Met Before Beginning Automation Testing?

Separating the many test cases that will be automated is the first step. The next step is to create test data in accordance with the requirements of the test cases. It is necessary to write reusable functions that are commonly used in those test cases. Reusable functions are used to create later test scripts, and loops and conditions are used when necessary.

Q48. Give an example of a cross-platform testing problem.

Typically, the problem is caused by a different OS or device version. The same application could function properly on one OS but not on another version. For instance, we experienced a problem where our application was fine on iOS 16.x devices but crashed when a few modules were tapped on iOS 15.x devices. The same thing happened with 2.3.5 Vs.

Q49. What Sorts Of Tests Work Well With Appium?

There are numerous scenarios that can be tested when it comes to testing, especially for webview-based apps, depending on the level of feature coverage you want to guarantee. When testing situations that consumers would experience when using your app, Appium comes in helpful.

Q50. What is the best way to build an emulator for an Android device?

To develop an Android device emulator, complete the name box, choose the target API, specify the file size, select the skin section, choose generate AVD, click Start, and then launch. It is among the most frequently asked mobile application testing interview questions and answers.

Q51. What are your knowledge of Appium?

An open-source framework for testing mobile apps, Appium works with online, native, and hybrid apps. It supports both Android and iOS devices and allows UI testing for mobile applications. One of the most challenging mobile testing interview questions is this one since so many candidates don't pay attention to it.

Q52. What is the Appium inspector?

Appium Inspector is a visual tool for examining how well an application can get the fundamental data needed to communicate with its components.

Through DOM inspection and test script evaluation, it is utilized to record and playback application activity. This is how you can answer these types of mobile testing interview questions. 

Q53. What makes a simulator different from an emulator, please?

A simulator solely imitates a device's software features. Hardware and software features can both be imitated by an emulator. In other words, although a simulator mimics the behavior of the device, an emulator precisely duplicates the reaction of the device.

Q54. What use does a Robolectric testing framework serve?

Without the need for an actual device or an emulator, testers can conduct tests directly on the JVM using a Robolectric framework. These kinds of mobile automation interview questions must be in bucket list.

Q55. How can mobile device CPU use be tested?

Several tools are available on the market for testing CPU use on mobile devices. Usemon, CPU Monitor, and CPU Z are a few of the applications to employ for best practices. When preparing for  testing interview, this is one of the most important manual mobile testing interview questions that you can’t miss.

Q56. Which key networks should be taken into account when testing applications?

When testing an application, the four main networks to evaluate are 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and WiFi. Hopefully, you are clear on the key networks, have a look on this comprehensive unit testing tutorial. 

Q57. How many different kinds of mobile device automation testing tools are there?

Testers have access to two different categories of automation testing tools:

Tools for object-based mobile testing Ranorex and Jama Solution are two illustrations of this. Image-based mobile testing tools: Examples of this are RoutinBot, Sikuli, and Egg Plant.

Q58. Which automation technologies work with both Android and iOS mobile devices, please?

One of the best automation tools that works best with both Android and iOS mobile devices is Appium. It is an open source, and cross-platform mobile automation testing tool. Appium is mostly utilized for automation test cases named hybrid and web apps. This tool specifically focuses on Android as well as iOS mobile apps. 

Q59. What does "product-based testing" mean in the context of mobile testing?

Product-based testing is a strategy for evaluating how well a mobile application performs.

It is focused on improving the product in question's quality and output. This is one of the most challenging mobile testing interview questions since so many candidates don't pay attention to it.

Q60. How Long Does It Take To Write An Appium Test?

Naturally, that depends on the exam. If all your test does is run a scenario, it will require as many commands as there are interactions to be made (thus very few lines). Your test will undoubtedly take longer if you're attempting to trade info, and it will also be more challenging to read.

Q61. Give an example of a first user flow.

A user flow is the route a user takes through an app to complete a job. Take the Amazon eCommerce app as an example. The app receives visits from a variety of users. The user peruses several categories, chooses the items they want to buy, puts them to the shopping cart, and then proceeds to the checkout to finish the transaction.

Q62. Describe a device fragmentation testing strategy.

Testing different models of mobile devices that run various operating system versions is a problem for mobile testing. For instance, several Android versions are used by mobile device companies including the Samsung Galaxy S8, Galaxy S3, Nexus 4, One Plus 6, and Xperia Z5.

Q63. How can I check a mobile device's CPU usage?

Applications like CPU-Z, CPU Monitor, Task Manager, Usemon, and others can be used to check the CPU consumption on a mobile device. The SeeTest platform's Mobile UX Performance Testing also includes CPU utilization tracking on actual hardware. These kinds of mobile automation interview questions must be in bucket list.

Q64. What are the main factors that should be taken into account when testing an entire mobile application?

Verify that the app has been successfully installed on all supported devices and operating systems. This is one of the most challenging manual mobile testing interview questions is this one since so many candidates don't pay attention to it.  Joining renowned institute like JanBask Training can be a helping hand for you to grow on your manual software testing career path. 

Q65. Which iteration of Android ought to be tested?

Each year, updates are made to iOS and Android. It's advisable to test apps from the most recent versions to those that are five years old because consumers update their devices on average every two years. These kinds of mobile automation interview questions must be in bucket list.

Q66. Can Appium be used to perform tests in a multi-threaded environment?

As long as just one test is running at a time on the same Appium server, it is possible to use Appium to execute tests in a multi-threaded environment. Appium is a major topic in mobile testing, numerous QA mobile testing interview questions are based on this topic. 

Q67. What is the iOS Testing Framework?

The iOS testing framework evaluates how well iOS applications run on Apple devices in order to record and initiate user tasks depending on user interface interactions.

The following are the top 5 iOS test frameworks:

  • XCUITest
  • Appium
  • Detox
  • EarlGrey2
  • TestProject

Q68. What do test cases in mobile testing entail?

Simple sets of functionalities called test scenarios (full papers of test cases) can be tested manually or automatically in a mobile app or website. Test scenarios are frequently highly helpful to the testing team since they can shed light on both the positive and bad aspects of an application or website.

Q69. Describe the test case runner.

A software tool called a test case runner makes it possible to test mobile applications. In essence, runners serve as a representation of the gadget and its users in their environment. The functionality of the program is evaluated while a nearly accurate replica of the user environment is created and used. It assists in determining whether the program is ready for launch.

Q70. Can Appium be used to perform tests in a multi-threaded environment?

As long as just one test is running at a time on the same Appium server, it is possible to use Appium to execute tests in a multi-threaded environment. When preparing for  testing interview, this is one of the most important manual mobile testing interview questions that you can’t miss.

Join the testing community to connect with the industry experts and learn from their experience. 

Q71. What kind of file is necessary for Appium automation testing in Android?

To test automation in Android using Apium,.Apk files are necessary. When preparing for testing interview, this is one of the most important mobile app testing interview questions that you can’t miss.

Q72. What are the encountered issues with cross-platform testing?

The problem typically depends on the OS/device version; while it may function correctly on one OS, it might not on another. For instance, we ran into a scenario where several modules were exploited when our programe died on iOS 15.x devices even though it was running properly on iOS 16.x version devices.

Q73. What distinguishes a capacitive touchscreen from a resistive touchscreen?

Touchscreen with resistance Two layers combine to create an overlay on the screen. The two forms make contact and work together when the finger is placed at any location on the screen. These can be found on the majority of entry-level phones and are reasonably priced. The drawback is that it takes some pressure to actually enter the touch. The screen sustains some degree of damage over time.

Touchscreen with a capacitive coating that can hold a little quantity of electric charge covers the entire display. The capacitance varies at the location where an operating object, such a finger, is placed on the screen, which affects the coordinates.

Q74. Why, in your opinion, is the usage of a monkey tool important in a testing procedure?

The monkey technique merely ensures that users may access configuration choices without encountering any difficulties. Additionally, it merely verifies that all of the debugging options are accessible. Additionally, users can quickly understand the operational limitations.

Q75. What automation and performance testing tools do you employ?

Performance Testing: JMeter, an open-source tool that can be used to test the API's performance, and can also be used to perform performance testing on the Web service that your application uses.

There are many paid tools like SeeTest, Ranorex, Silk Mobile, etc. available in the market, while good free automation tools are Calabash, Appium, Robotium for Android, and KIF for iOS, and using free tools requires some coding skills like ruby or java. Automation testing is a very subjective term that totally depends on the project needs and type of application

Q76. What factors would you take into account when choosing a test automation solution if you were to do a mobile application test?

The initial feature of the test automation tool is support for several platforms, allowing even future user needs to be readily met. The script should be highly usable overall, and the tool should meet some simple or complicated jailbreak requirements.

This is due to the fact that some customers frequently install a customised ROM on their devices, which frequently violates MDM restrictions and causes problems. The tool's capacity to support new OS versions comes next. The tool should be capable of sharing the source code, if at all possible.


You may now approach the interviews with confidence after going over the most significant and frequently requested mobile testing interview questions and answers. Additionally, mobile automation interview questions could be endless with respect to the no of areas to be covered. 

Although, the above mentioned mobile testing interview questions and ansers might not completely be employed in your interview, we expect that these will help you get through an interview and raise yourself in your mobile testing career journey. 

Please advise any suggestions regarding this comprehensive list of mobile app testing interview questions, and do not shy away to add it here. Also, if you’re planning to broaden your knowledge in the field of QA testing, enroll in JanBask Training QA testing courses and get job-ready!

JanBask is a dynamic, highly professional, and global online training provider of QA testing training, committed to propelling the next generation of technology learners with a whole new way of training experience.


Q1. What Are the Main Things to Test in Mobile Applications?

Ans. Testing the functionalities of a mobile app is important to make sure that visitors get a positive experience and it is also an integral part of the development process and must be added in any QA strategy. 

The most common test cases that you should cover includes:

  • Functionality Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Battery Life
  • Pricing
  • Accessibility Testing

Q.2. What are the main challenges in mobile testing?

Ans. Mobile devices have become an integral part of everyone’s lives and will continue to stick around. All the functionalities that a mobile device can do can only be performed using mobile apps. Due to the growing no of mobile-OS browser fusion, device fragmentation has evolved into a real challenge and mobile testers are required to be at their best. Here are some of the most common challenges in mobile testing

  • Device Fragmentation
  • Different kinds of Screen Resolutions
  • Updated Device Models
  • Testing a Mobile Applications on Staging
  • Mobile Network Bandwidth related problems
  • Mobile Application Security
  • Real User Condition Testing
  • Consistent UX

Q3. What comes under mobile testing?

Ans. Following are the common mobile testing types and approaches

  • Functional Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Performance testing
  • Security Testing
  • API Testing
  • Localization Testing
  • Manual Testing

Q4. Is mobile testing functional testing?

Ans. As a form of mobile testing, functional testing makes sure that the mobile application works according to the needs. Also make sure that all the functions are working as expected. This testing offers a best quallity product, fulfills product nedds and also assures user satisfaction and minimizes risk. 

Q5. Is mobile testing manual or automatic?

Ans. Automation is on way of performing mobile testing where the computer gets to check a wide range of devices, again and again, so as to get released more often and look into more scenarios. 

Q6. Is it possible to do mobile testing manually?

Ans. There’s no alternative option than to analyze mobile applications on an actual device cloud that provides a wide range of Android and iOS smartphones. Also, quality assurances can support different platforms such as BrowserStack that offers a wide range of actual Android and iOS mobile devices for manually testing the mobile applications. 

Q7. Which automation tool used for mobile testing?

Ans. One of the most popular and open source framework which is most commonly used by the mobile testers for testing mobile applications automatically is Appium. It lets testers to automatize the mobile testing of native, hybrid or cross platform iOS and Android applications. 

Q8. Which tool is mostly used for mobile test automation?

Ans. Appium is the most commonly used mobile testing tools, specifically by open source community andd it is utilized for testing both iOS as well as Android applications. 

Q9. Why mobile testing is different?

Ans. Different factors such as mobile device screen sizes, storage capacity, and OEM’s are analyzed during mobile application testing and the majority of times web application testing needs just the compatibility across all mobile screen sizes and web browsers. 

Q10. How does mobile testing work?

Ans. Mobile applications are tested depending on the the various factors like functionality, usability, consistency, performance, user interface, security, etc. This helps in increasing the overall efficiency of the applications in all areas together with growing the reliability aspect amongst the users making use of them. 

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