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Interview Questions & Answers on User Authentication


Welcome to our comprehensive guide, where we've curated a list of User Authentication Interview Questions and Answers. Whether you're the interviewer looking for the best candidates or the interviewee aiming to ace that critical interview, this resource is designed to help you navigate the complex world of user authentication.From the fundamentals of authentication protocols to the nuances of multi-factor authentication (MFA), we've got you covered. In this blog series, we'll dive deep into the essential concepts, explore real-world scenarios, and equip you with the knowledge and confidence you need to excel in your interview.

So, whether you're a cybersecurity enthusiast eager to expand your knowledge or a job seeker striving to stand out in a competitive job market, join us on this journey through the realm of user authentication. Let's unlock the secrets to safeguarding digital identities and gain valuable insights from our User Authentication Interview Questions and Answers.

Q.1. What is The Registration Handler Interface? What is it Used For?

Ans: In the RegistrationHandler interface, Salesforce offers the option of single sign-on using an authentication service, such as Facebook or Janrain, into Salesforce.

  • It has the namespace of Auth.

Property Туре Description Required or Optional Available Version
      Audience with the Permission criterion type  
ProfileId String Profile ID of a user. Required if creating or updating an audience with the Profile criterion type 48.0
Subdivision String Subdivision of a user. Required if creating or updating an audience with the GeoLocation criterion type and using the city property 48.0
  • A class must be developed that implements Auth.RegistrationHandler to set up single sign-on.
  • Single sign-on into Salesforce portals and organizations via third-party services like Facebook is made possible by classes implementing the Auth.RegistrationHandler interface is defined as the Registration Handler in authentication provider definitions.
  • Your class must establish and update user data, including any associated account and contact records, as necessary, using data from the authentication providers.

Q.2. What are The Methods of The Registration Handler Interface?

Ans: Below are some of the methods of the RegistrationHandler interface. 






createUser (portalId, userData)

It returns a user object using the supplied portal ID and user data from the third party, such as the username and email address.

The User object represents an existing user record in the database or can represent a new user who hasn't been added to the database, according to the third party's user information.

public User createUser(ID portalId, Auth.UserData userData)



Type: ID



Type: Auth.UserData


If no portal is configured with this provider, the portalID value may be null or empty.

createUser (portalId, userData)

Using the supplied portal ID and user data from the third party, such as the username and email address, it returns a user object.

The User object represents an existing user record in the database or can represent a new user who hasn't been added to the database, according to the third party's user information.

public User createUser(ID portalId, Auth.UserData userData)



Type: ID



Type: Auth.UserData


If no portal is configured with this provider, the portalID value may be null or empty.

updateUser(userId, portalId, userData)

It transforms the information for the selected user. This function is invoked when a user logs in again after previously doing so using the authentication provider.

public Void updateUser(ID userId, ID portalId, Auth.UserData userData)


Type: ID



Type: ID



Type: Auth.UserData


If no portal is configured with this provider, the portalID value may be null or empty.


Property Туре Description Required or Optional Available Version
      Audience with the Permission criterion type  
ProfileId String Profile ID of a user. Required if creating or updating an audience with the Profile criterion type 48.0
Subdivision String Subdivision of a user. Required if creating or updating an audience with the GeoLocation criterion type and using the city property 48.0

Q.3. How can you Store User Information and Access Tokens Using The Registration Handler Interface?

Ans: For Auth.RegistrationHandler, user data is kept in the Auth—UserData class. The third-party authentication service provider may return a substantial amount of user information, such as username, email address, location, etc. The Auth.UserData class transforms frequently used data into a standard format before sending it to the registration handler.

  • If desired, the registration handler may access the extra information by using the attributeMap variable from the Auth—UserData class. 
  • The raw values of all the data from the third party are represented in the attribute map as a map of strings (Map ). 
  • The items that the third party returns that aren't strings (such as an array of URLs or a map) are transformed into the appropriate string representation because the map is
  • The map contains all the information the third-party authentication provider returned, automatically converted to the standard format.

The syntax of the Auth.UserData constructor is as follows:

Property Туре Description Required or Optional Available Version
      Audience with the Permission criterion type  
ProfileId String Profile ID of a user. Required if creating or updating an audience with the Profile criterion type 48.0
Subdivision String Subdivision of a user. Required if creating or updating an audience with the GeoLocation criterion type and using the city property 48.0
Auth.UserData(String identifier,
String firstName,
String lastName,
String fullName,
String email,
String link,
String userName,
String locale,
String provider,
String siteLoginUrl,
Map attributeMap)

Learn about Auth.UserData class in online Salesforce certification course to discover more about Auth.UserData attributes.

All authentication providers except Janrain, after a user has been authenticated using a provider, allow for the acquisition of the access token associated with that authentication provider for that user using the Auth—AuthToken Apex class. There are two ways to retrieve access tokens using Auth.AuthToken. 

  • The first one is called getAccessToken, and it retrieves a single access token. Use this procedure if the user ID is linked to a single third-party user.
  • Use getAccessTokenMap, which produces a map of access tokens for each third-party user if the user ID is mapped to several third-party users.

Register for an online Salesforce certification course for more information on authentication providers. Utilizing the Janrain accessCredentials dictionary values is required when using Janrain as an authentication provider to obtain the access token or its equivalent. Only some Janrain-supported providers offer an access token; other providers utilize different fields.

The Auth.UserData class's attributeMap variable contains the Janrain accessCredentials fields. 

Property Туре Description Required or Optional Available Version
      Audience with the Permission criterion type  
ProfileId String Profile ID of a user. Required if creating or updating an audience with the Profile criterion type 48.0
Subdivision String Subdivision of a user. Required if creating or updating an audience with the GeoLocation criterion type and using the city property 48.0

For additional details about accessCredentials, refer to the Janrain auth_info documentation.

Learn more about the Auth.AuthToken Class by enrolling in an online Salesforce certification course and discovering more about Auth.AuthToken methods.

Q.4. Give an Example of The Auth—Registration Handler Implementation Interface.

Ans: The Auth.RegistrationHandler interface, which creates and updates a standard user based on information supplied by the authentication provider, is implemented in this example. For the sake of simplicity, error checking has been skipped.

Property Туре Description Required or Optional Available Version
      Audience with the Permission criterion type  
ProfileId String Profile ID of a user. Required if creating or updating an audience with the Profile criterion type 48.0
Subdivision String Subdivision of a user. Required if creating or updating an audience with the GeoLocation criterion type and using the city property 48.0
global class StandardUserRegistrationHandler implements Auth.RegistrationHandler
global User createUser(ld portalld, Auth.UserData data){
User u= new User();
Profile p- [SELECT Id FROM profile WHERE name='Standard User'];
u.username data.usemame ''; =;
u.lastName data.lastName;
u.firstName data.firstName;
String alias data.username;
falias.length() >8)
alias alias.substring(0,8);
u.alias = alias;
u.languagelocalekey = data.attributeMap.get("language");
u.localesidkey= data.locale;
u.emailEncodingKey = "UTF-8';
u.timeZoneSidKey = "America/Los_Angeles':
u.profileld = p.ld;
return u:
global void updateUserid userid, id portalld, Auth.UserData data){
User u = new User(id=userid);
u.username = data.username + ''; =;
u.lastName = data.lastName;
u.firstName = data.firstName;
String alias data.username;
private class StandardUserRegistrationHandlerTest [
static testMethod void testCreateAndUpdateUser() {
StandardUserRegistrationHandler handler = new StandardUserRegistrationHandler(): Auth.UserData sampleData = new Auth. UserData('testid', 'testFirst', 'testLast',
'testFirst testLast', ', null, 'testuserlong', 'en_US', 'facebook',
null, new Map("language' => 'en_US']);
User u=handler.createUser(null, sampleData);
System.assertEquals('', u.userName);
System.assertEquals('testLast', u.lastName);
System.assertEquals('testFirst', u.firstName]:
System.assertEquals('testuser', u.alias);
String uid-uid;
sampleData = new Auth.UserData('testNewid', 'testNewFirst', 'testNewLast",
testNewFirst testNewLast', ', null, 'testnewuserlong',
"en_US", "facebook",
inull, new Map());
handler updateUser(uid, null, sampleDatal;
User updatedUser [SELECT userName, email, firstName, lastName, alias FROM user WHERE
System.assertEquals('', updatedUser.userName]:
System.assertEquals("testNewLast', updatedUser.lastName):
System.assertEquals('testNewFirst', updatedUser.firstName); System.assertEquals('testnewu', updatedUser.alias);

Q.5. Give an Example of The Interface for The Auth.Registration Handler Error Implementation.

Ans: This example demonstrates how to utilize a custom exception to display an error message in the URL of the page while implementing the Auth.RegistrationHandler interface. The error code and description are included in the URL and are displayed on the page if a custom exception is not used.

Some code was left out to keep this example within the custom exception.

global class RegHandler implements Auth.RegistrationHandler {
class RegHandlerException extends Exception {}
global User createUser(ld portalld, Auth.UserData data){
List profiles = [SELECT Id, Name, UserType FROM Profile WHERE Name =
'Power User'];
Profile profile = profiles.isEmpty() ? null: profiles[0];
throw new RegHandlerException('Cannot find the profile. For help, contact
your administrator.");
global void updateUser(ld userid, Id portalld, Auth. UserData data){
User u = new User(id=userId);
u.lastName = data.lastName;
u.firstName = data.firstName;

Q.6. What are The User Data Constructors?

Ans: UserData class saves user information for Auth.RegistrationHandler. Below are some of the constructors of the UserData class.





UserData(identifier, firstName, lastName, fullName, email, link, userName,

locale, provider, siteLoginUrl, attributeMap)

It creates a new instance of the Auth.UserData class using the specified arguments.

public UserData(String identifier, String firstName, String lastName, String fullName,

String email,      String link, String userName, String locale, String provider, String

siteLoginUrl, Map attributeMap)



Type: String



Type: String



Type: String



Type: String



Type: String



Type: String


Type: String



Type: String



Type: String



Type: String



Type: Map

Q.7. What are The User Data Properties?

Ans: Some of the properties of the UserData class are given below.




Property Value


A third-party identifier for the verified user, such as the Salesforce user ID or the Facebook user ID.

public String identifier {get; set;}


Type: String


The third party's assessment of the authorized user's first name

public String firstName {get; set;}

Type: String


The last name of an authenticated user, as per the 3rd party.

public String lastName {get; set;}

Type: String


The authenticated user's full name as reported by the third-party

public String fullName {get; set;}

Type: String


The third party's information indicates the email address of the verified user.

public String email {get; set;}

Type: String


A reliable connection like https://www. MyUsername for the authorized user.

public String link {get; set;}

Type: String


The third party's authenticated user's username

public String username {get; set;}

Type: String


The authenticated user's default locale string

public String locale {get; set;}

Type: String


The platform used to log in, such as Janrain or Facebook.

public String provider {get; set;}

Type: String


If a site was used, the URL for the login page was supplied; otherwise, it was null.

public String siteLoginUrl {get; set;}

Type: String


If the handler has to access non-standard values, a map of data from the third party. 

For instance, the fields that Janrain returns in its accessCredentials dictionary are added to the attributeMap when Janrain is used as a provider. The providers use different fields.

public Map attributeMap {get; set;}

Type: Map


Our exploration of the Auth Registration Handler Interface through these enlightening interview questions reveals its indispensable role in shaping secure and seamless user authentication. With a deeper understanding of its mechanics and significance, you can leverage this interface to its fullest potential, fortifying digital interactions and elevating user trust in today's interconnected landscape. Enroll in JanBask Training's dynamic online Salesforce training courses, meticulously designed to nurture your growth and expertise in this ever-evolving field.

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