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Master Your QA Interview: Top QA Interview Questions & Answers


The world of QA (Quality Assurance) is booming! As software development thrives, the demand for skilled QA professionals to ensure quality and functionality is higher than ever. Landing your dream QA job can be exciting, but the interview process can feel daunting. This comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge and confidence to ace your interview!

We've compiled a strategic breakdown of frequently asked QA interview questions and answers, meticulously categorized by experience level:

  • Freshers: Just starting out? We'll cover the fundamentals to showcase your understanding of QA principles.
  • Intermediate QA Testers: Ready to demonstrate your growth? Explore questions that delve deeper into testing methodologies and tools.
  • Seasoned QA Professionals: Showcase your expertise! We'll tackle advanced testing strategies and leadership scenarios.

By familiarizing yourself with these questions and crafting well-structured responses, you'll be well on your way to impressing your interviewer and securing that coveted QA position. Let's dive in and unlock your QA interviewing potential!

QA Testing Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

1). How can you differentiate the three related terms quality assurance, quality control, and the testing?

Ans:- While all three terms are related to ensuring quality, they have distinct roles:

  • Quality Assurance (QA): This is the big-picture approach. QA focuses on preventing defects by establishing quality standards throughout the entire project lifecycle. It involves defining what "quality" means for the project, setting up processes to achieve that quality, and continuously monitoring those processes for improvement.

  • Quality Control (QC): This is the hands-on inspection part. QC focuses on identifying defects in the final product or service. It involves activities like testing, code reviews, and inspections to ensure the product meets the established quality standards.

  • Testing: This is a specific activity within QC. Testing involves executing the product or service under various conditions to find bugs or errors. It's a crucial part of identifying defects, but it's not the only QC activity.

2). What is the right time to start with QA activities?

Ans:- Ideally, QA activities should begin from the very beginning of a project. This allows for:

  • Early detection and prevention of defects: Catching issues early is easier and cheaper to fix than waiting until later in the development process.
  • Setting clear quality standards: Defining quality expectations upfront helps guide development efforts and ensures everyone is on the same page.
  • Improved cost and time management: Early QA helps avoid rework and delays, leading to more efficient project execution.

3). Give a quick review of the software testing life cycle?

Ans:-  The STLC is a phased approach to software testing that ensures a thorough and efficient testing process. There are various STLC models, but they typically involve phases like:

  • Planning and Requirement Analysis: Defining the testing scope, strategy, and test cases.
  • Design: Creating detailed test plans and procedures.
  • Implementation: Developing and executing test cases.
  • Execution: Running the tests and logging the results.
  • Evaluation: Analyzing the test results and identifying defects.
  • Reporting: Documenting the testing process and findings.

4). How are test pan and test strategies both different from each other?


  • Test Strategy: A high-level document that outlines the overall approach to testing for the entire project. It defines the testing objectives, resources, and methodologies.
  • Test Plan: A more detailed document that specifies how testing will be conducted for a specific module or feature. It details the test cases, environments, and expected results.

5). What are the steps involved when writing a test case?

Ans:-  A good test case should include:

  • Test Case ID: A unique identifier for the test case.
  • Description: A clear explanation of what the test case is designed to verify.
  • Severity: The seriousness of the defect the test case targets (e.g., critical, high, medium, low).
  • Priority: The importance of executing the test case (e.g., high, medium, low).
  • Environment: The hardware, software, and network configuration needed to run the test.
  • Version: The specific version of the product being tested.
  • Steps to Execute: Clear, concise instructions on how to perform the test.
  • Expected Result: The anticipated outcome of a successful test run.
  • Actual Result: The outcome recorded during test execution (pass/fail).

6). How will you check whether a test case is good or bad?

Ans:-  A good test case is one that:

  • Finds defects: An effective test case exposes issues in the product.
  • Is clear and concise: It's easy to understand and execute.
  • Is based on requirements: It verifies functionality according to specifications.

A bad test case might be:

  • Too obvious: It tests something trivial that is unlikely to have defects.
  • Unclear or poorly written: It's difficult to understand or follow.
  • Redundant: It duplicates the functionality of another test case.

7). How can you execute a large suite of test cases in a short period?

Ans:- Here are some strategies for running a large set of test cases efficiently:

  • Prioritize: Focus on high-priority test cases that cover critical functionalities.
  • Automate: Automate repetitive tests to save time and effort.
  • Risk-based testing: Focus testing on areas with the highest risk of defects.
  • Phased execution: Execute tests in phases based on development progress.

8). Do production issues can also be solved with the help of a QA expert?

Ans:-  QA testers can play a valuable role in addressing production issues by:

  • Analyzing production logs: Identifying patterns and potential causes of issues.
  • Creating targeted test cases: Verifying fixes and preventing regressions.
  • Recommending improvements: Enhancing monitoring and alerting systems.

9). If there is one bug identified in the application and fixed by the development team, then how can you make sure that the same bug will not be introduced again?

Ans:-  To prevent this bug from reappearing in the future, the most effective strategy is to create a dedicated test case targeting the specific issue. This test case should then be integrated into the regression suite. The regression suite ensures that previously fixed bugs are not reintroduced with new code changes. Additionally, considering alternative test scenarios that cover similar functionalities can further strengthen the testing process.

10). How function and non-functional testing is different from each other?

Ans:-  Functional Testing:

  • Focuses on verifying an application's core functionalities according to its specifications and user requirements.
  • Ensures the application behaves as intended and delivers the promised features.
  • Examples of functional testing include testing login functionalities, e-commerce purchase workflows, or data processing tasks within an application.

Non-Functional Testing:

  • Evaluates aspects of an application beyond its core functionalities.
  • These aspects are often referred to as quality attributes.
  • Focuses on how well the application performs these functionalities.
  • Examples of non-functional testing include performance testing (speed and responsiveness), usability testing (user-friendliness and ease of use), security testing (vulnerability to attacks), and compatibility testing (working across different devices and browsers).

11). How can you define the positive and negative testing for a project?

Ans:- Here is how to answer such kinds of QA tester interview questions. Negative testing will check whether the system behaves gracefully even when non-valid inputs are given. At the same time, positive testing will check whether the system behaves as per the expectations or not for the valid inputs.

12). How will you be sure that testing is complete for a project?

Ans:- There are two popular techniques requiring traceability and the coverage matrices to check either testing is complete for a projector still need to perform.

13). Are there any technical requirements to consider when writing test cases?

Ans:-  There are plenty of technical requirements to consider when writing a test case like functional specifications, user requirements, wireframes, user stories, acceptance criteria, or UAT test cases, etc. Make sure not to miss these kinds of major QA test interview questions while preparing when looking for a QA Career Path.

14). Can you write a test case without proper documentation?

Ans:-  Handling interview questions QA can be accomplished by answering them as: Yes, this is possible to write a test case even in the absence of concrete documents. In this case, you have to be more conscious and collaborate with BA team continuously. Also, sit with the developers and try to understand the project requirements deeply. Based on the discussion, you can define the test conditions yourself and design the test case without any concrete documents.

15). How will you define verification and validation in testing?

Ans:-  Verification is the process of checking the progress of a project to make sure that you are on the right track or not. Validation is the process of evaluating the final output of the project to make sure that it perfectly meets the client's needs and requirements.

16). Are Verification techniques static or dynamic in nature? Name a few techniques that you have used for your past projects?

Ans:- Verification techniques are static in nature. A few verification techniques that I have used for my past projects are – the walkthrough verification technique, Review, and Inspection.

17). How can you define load testing and stress testing for a project?

Ans:- Load testing will check the system performance under heavy loads. On the other hand, stress testing will test the system behavior when test cases are executed under stress. To expand your knowledge further in manual testing, check out these Top 110+ Manual Testing Interview Questions & Answers.

18). Have you used any automation tools for your past projects?

Ans:- Here is how to answer such kinds of QA tester interview questions. 

Yes, of course. The answer to this question is exclusive to the individual and depends on the experience of a candidate.

19). How to clear the doubts related to project specifications?

Ans:- For this purpose, you should check the technical specifications for a test case. If you still have any doubts, then ask your senior team members. 

20). Can you define the amount of testing required by a particular piece of software?

Ans:- You first need to calculate the cyclomatic complexity of a software product to check how much testing is required by a particular software.

21). What is Testware?

Ans:-  Testware is defined as artifacts for testing like test cases, test plans, test data needed to execute or design a test.

22). How to compare build and release?

Ans:-  The build is a product given to the testing team by the development team for inspecting the quality issues while Release is the final installable product handed over to customers by the tester or developer. Make sure not to miss these kinds of major QA test interview questions while preparing for the QA interview.

23). What are the automation challenges faced by a QA Tester when testing a product?


  • Lack of knowledge for different automation tools
  • How to reuse the automation script?
  • Test cases adaptability for automation
  • How to automate complex test cases?

Ranorex is a powerful test automation tool you need to learn, have a look at this Ranorex Tutorial Guide and expand your knowledge base.

24). How to compare bug leakage and bug release?

Ans:- Bug release is a technique when the software application is handed over to the testing team knowing that a bug is present in the build and it can be removed before the final handover. Bug leakage is something when a bug is discovered by end-users and not detected by a testing team or developers.

25). Are you familiar with the data-driven testing?

Ans:-  Data-driven testing is an automation testing framework which tests different input on the AUT (Application Under Test). These values are directly taken from the data files in different formats like CSV files, excel files, and more.

26). What is a bug cycle? Discuss different steps followed in a bug cycle.


  • As soon as testers identify a bug, it is assigned to the development manager in open status.
  • If the bug is valid, it is fixed by the development team.
  • If it is not valid, then it is ignored or rejected by the development team.
  • The next step is to check the scope of the bug. If the bug is not part of the current release, then it will be postponed.
  • If the same bug was raised earlier too then, it is marked as Duplicate.
  • If the bug is assigned to the development team, then it is marked as in-progress stage.
  • Once the bug is resolved, it is said to be fixed.

27). What are the key components of a test strategy?


  • Introduction and Resources
  • Schedule and scope for test activities
  • Test tools
  • Priority for tests
  • Test planning
  • Test types

This is among the top 36 situational interview questions and answers that you cannot miss while preparing for your interview questions QA interview.

28). Name a different type of software testing you are familiar with.

type of non functional test

Ans:- Different Types of Testing

  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing and regression testing
  • Shakeout testing
  • Smoke testing
  • Functional testing
  • Performance testing
  • White box and Black box testing
  • Alpha and Beta testing
  • Load testing and stress testing
  • System testing
  • Functional testing

29). What is Branch Testing?

Ans:-  The testing for all branches of code is known as the branch testing.

30). What is Boundary Testing?

Ans:- When testing is focused on limit conditions, it is termed as the boundary condition.

Know how much does a QA tester can make, explore the QA tester's Salary guide.

31). What are the different components of test cases and test plans?

Ans:- Here is the answer to one of the frequently-asked interview questions QA :

  • Testing objectives
  • Testing scope
  • Testing the frame
  • The environment
  • Reason for testing
  • The criteria for entrance and exit
  • Deliverables and Risk factors

32). What is thread testing?

Ans:-  A thread testing is a top-down testing approach where the progressive integration of components is followed as opposed to the integration of components by successively lower levels.

33). What do you understand about configuration management?

Ans:-  It is a process for controlling and documenting changes made during the life cycle of a project. Change control and release control are important aspects of configuration management.

34). What is Ad Hoc testing?

Ans:-  This is the testing phase, where a tester tries to break the system by trying the system’s functionality randomly. It may include negative testing too. 

35). What is Agile Testing?

Ans:-  Agile testing is a popular type of software testing based on agile methodologies. This is a common approach used by developers these days. 


36). What is the significance of agile testing?

Ans:-  The significance of agile testing is that testers don’t have to wait for the development team to complete the coding, but testing and coding may continue simultaneously. It is based on continuous customer interactions too.

This is among the top 36 situational interview questions and answers that you cannot miss while preparing for your QA interview. Do not forget to check out this integration testing tutorial guide to get in-depth knowledge of integration testing.

37). What steps are you following for an automation test plan?

Ans:- Answering interview questions QA of this nature can be tackled with ease as:

  • Define the strategy first for the automation test plan
  • Start with the preparation of the automation test plan
  • Record the scenario and follow the best error handling mechanism
  • Debug the script and fix the issues.
  • Run the script again and report the script.

38). Do you know about the quality audit?

Ans:-  It is a systematic and independent examination for determining the effectiveness of the quality control procedure is termed the quality audit.

39). What is Volume Testing?

Ans:-  It is the process of checking a system whether a system can manage the required amount of data or user requests, etc.

40). List out your role as a QA tester in your last Company?

Ans:-  When faced with interview questions QA like these, addressing them becomes straightforward as:

  • Writing source code
  • Software design
  • Control/Review source code 
  • Program Testing
  • Change management
  • Configuration/Release management
  • Integration of software

41). Mention the various types of software testing:

Ans:- Here are 10 types of software testing, you can check this software testing tutorial to know more about them in detail:

  • Unit testing
  • Alpha and Beta testing
  • Load testing and stress testing
  • Integration testing and regression testing
  • Performance testing
  • White box and Black box testing
  • Shakeout testing
  • Smoke testing
  • Functional testing
  • System testing

42). What's the lifecycle of a quality assurance process?

Ans:- Quality Assurance follows the PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) cycle, also known as the Deming cycle, with these phases:

  • Plan: The organization sets process-related objectives and plans methods for a top-notch final product. Quality Assurance ensures this planning prioritizes product quality.
  • Do: This phase involves process development, testing, and making necessary changes. Quality Assurance ensures that the processes maintained during development uphold the product's quality.
  • Check: Processes are monitored, modified, and checked to confirm they meet their goals. Quality Assurance ensures thorough checks to avoid missing any defects.
  • Act: Here, a Quality Assurance tester takes steps to improve processes.

These stages make sure the organization's procedures are regularly assessed and enhanced.

43). What's the difference between severity and priority?

Ans:- Understanding these distinctions is crucial for effective time management. Severity refers to how challenging it is to address an issue, while priority indicates how important it is to address the issue promptly.

It's essential to note that high severity doesn't necessarily translate to high priority, and vice versa.

Consider this example of a high-severity, low-priority issue:

  • The application crashes when a rarely used function is executed on legacy software that most users can't access.
  • Now, here's an example of a low-severity, high-priority issue:
  • The wrong company logo is displayed on startup.

44). What sets apart assert and verify commands in test automation?

Ans:-  Answering this interview questions QA is as easy as: While these two commands share many similarities, their divergence lies in the subsequent actions.

In essence, both commands evaluate whether the code conditions are true. However, there's a critical distinction in the aftermath of failure: If an assert command fails, it halts the execution of code, causing the test to pause.

On the other hand, if a verify command fails, it perseveres and continues executing the remaining code.

45). What should be incorporated into an automation test plan?

Ans:- Crafting a comprehensive plan for automation testing is a substantial task, and it's not necessary to delve into every minute detail.

Rather, highlight key elements of a test plan. For instance, discuss how the plan should outline the design and execution of tests, the approach to defect management, and the structure of test automation reporting.

46). What are some advantages of manual testing?

Ans:- When facing interview questions QA, it's essential to excel in standard QA interview questions like this. Here's a suggested answer:

Several advantages of manual testing can be highlighted:

  • It can be a more cost-effective option compared to automated testing.
  • For new teams or individuals entering the field of Quality Assurance, learning to conduct manual tests is often quicker, enabling a faster deployment.
  • Manual testing proves beneficial in short-term projects where test scripts may not be reused extensively.
  • Manual testing allows for a thorough analysis of the product from an end-user perspective.
  • When conducting manual tests, assessing the GUI can feel more intuitive and yield more accurate results, as visual aspects and user preferences can be challenging to automate.

47). What are the limitations of manual testing?

Ans-: This is one of the most commonly asked QA questions: 

Manual testing comes with its own set of drawbacks, including:

  • Vulnerability to human error.
  • Certain tasks may pose challenges when executed manually, leading to increased time consumption.
  • The cumulative costs make it a more expensive option in the long term.
  • The inability to record the manual testing process makes replication a challenging endeavor.

48). What skills are essential for someone aspiring to become a software tester?

Ans:- To follow a software tester career path and answer this interview questions QA  you need a range of skills, including:

  • Strong problem-solving abilities
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Capacity to thrive under pressure
  • Competence in both solo and team-oriented work
  • Effective organizational skills
  • Relevant technical expertise

49). Can you elaborate on what SDLC is?

Ans:- SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle, encompassing all stages of software development. These stages include requirement gathering and analysis, designing, coding, testing, deployment, and maintenance. This is more on the easier side of QA questions.

50). What is a test scenario?

Ans:- In such QA questions you can give a full definition to explain the topic in detail: A test scenario, derived from a use case, serves the purpose of testing an application's feature comprehensively, covering it from start to finish. A single test scenario can accommodate multiple test cases. Scenario testing proves particularly valuable when time constraints are a factor during testing.

51). What is black-box testing, and what are its various techniques?

Ans-: When you answer such QA questions, make sure to keep them precise and to the point: Black-box testing is utilized by software testers when they lack knowledge about the internal architecture or code structure. The techniques associated with it include:

  • Equivalence Partitioning
  • Cause-Effect Graphing
  • Boundary Value Analysis

QA Interview Questions And Answers for Intermediate

52). What are the test driver and test stubs?

Ans:- Here is the answer to one of the frequently-asked QA interview questions –

  • A test driver calls the component to be tested. It is based on the bottom-up approach.
  • A test stub is called from the software component to be tested. It is based on the top-down approach.

53). Why are test drivers and test stubs are required?

Ans:- Such QA questions can easily be answered by giving one or two line answers: It is required when you want to test the interface between two modules X and Y. We have developed the X module, and we need a dummy module Y to check the functionality of another module.

54). What is bug triage and why is important?

Ans:- Bug triage is a QA process that ensures:

  • Bug report completeness
  • Assign and analyze bugs
  • Assign bugs to the right owner
  • Set the severity of bugs properly.
  • Adjust bug priorities carefully.

55). What do you mean by the cause-effect graph?

Ans:- A cause-effect graph is the representation of inputs and associated outputs that are used to design test cases. Make sure not to miss these kinds of major QA test interview questions while preparing for QA interview.

56). What is a test metric in QA testing?

Ans:- Again you can give 1-2 line answers to such QA questions: A test metric refers to the test measurement standards. They are statistics that narrate the structure or content of the testing. Check out this blog from Janbask training to know more about QA testing.

57). What is important information stored by the test metric?

Ans:- The important information contained by the test metric can be given as:

  • Total test
  • Test passed/failed
  • Test passed the first time
  • Test run
  • Tests deferred

58). How are retesting and regression testing different?

Ans:- Retesting is performed to check the defect fixes, and regression testing is performed to check the impact of defect fixes on product functionality.

59). What is a traceability matrix?

Ans:- A traceability matrix is used for mapping test scripts and requirements together.

60). Name a different type of document you have used in software testing.

Ans:- Different types of documents in QA

  • Requirement Document
  • Test Metrics
  • Test cases and Test plan
  • Task distribution flow chart
  • Transaction Mix
  • User profiles
  • Test log
  • User profiles
  • Test incident report
  • Test summary report

61). Explain what should be included in every QA document?

Ans:- Here are the details that every QA document should include:

Important information parameters for QA Document

  • Total number of defects
  • Business Requirements
  • Inspection reports
  • Configurations
  • Test plans and test cases
  • Bug reports
  • User manuals
  • Test reports

62). Explain what should be included in a software quality document that is definitely different from the QA documents.


  • Specifications
  • Designs
  • Business rules
  • Configurations
  • Code changes
  • Test plans
  • Test cases
  • Bug reports
  • User manuals

63). What are the best software quality practices as per your work experience?

Ans:- I have been into software testing for more than five years, and these are some best practices I usually follow to deliver a high-quality product and effectively perform my QA roles and responsibilities in software testing

  • Review the requirements in depth before you start with the development.
  • This is the time to review the code.
  • Write comprehensive test cases as required.
  • Perform session-based testing, then risk-based testing.
  • Set the priority for bugs based on usage.
  • Run a regression cycle
  • Perform sanity tests on production
  • Focus on QA test reports too.

64). Is there any rule for test-driven development?

Ans:- Yes, the rule for test-driven development is that you should write the test cases first before you start with the actual coding.

65). How will you define the MR?

Ans:- MR means a modification request that is also referred to as the defect report. It is used for reporting errors or any other potential problems in the software.

66). What are the validations activities to be conducted by the QA Tester?

Ans:- The validation activities to be conducted by a QA tester can be given as:

  • Hire third-party verification or validations that are independent of each other.
  • Assign internal staff with good knowledge of verification and validation techniques.
  • Evaluate independently.

67). When to perform system testing?

Ans:- Here is the answer of one of the mostly-asked interview questions for QA tester.

System testing is done when all units are in place and working properly. It should be done before UAT (User Acceptance Testing).

68). What are the different SDLC models you know so far?


  • Waterfall
  • Spiral
  • V Model
  • Prototype
  • Agile

69). What is the entry criterion?

Ans:- The prerequisites that should be achieved before you start with the QA testing.

70). What are Exit criteria?

Ans:- The conditions that should be met before you conclude the testing.

71). Do you have any idea about State Transition?

Ans:- For state transitions, we pick test cases from an application where different system transitions are tested. It is one of the must-read QA testing interview questions. Become the part of our QA Community to get connected with industry experts and get insightful guidance.

72). How will you define the decision table testing?

Ans:- A decision table technique is appropriate for functionalities how logic relationships among different inputs can be defined. Basically, we deal with a different set of input combinations in case of a decision table.

73). Define the Equivalence class partition.

Ans:- In the case of Equivalence class partition, inputs are divided into different logical groups that exhibit the same behavior. Hence, it becomes easy to design test cases in a proper way.

74). Define the boundary value analysis technique in software testing?

Ans:- The boundary value analysis technique tests the boundary values of valid and invalid partitions.

75). What is HotFix?

Ans:- It is a bug that should be fixed and resolved on priority; otherwise, it may affect the product functionality adversely.

76). What is a showstopper defect?

Ans:- It is a defect that does not allow users to move further in the application. It can be named a crash as well. Take an example of a Login button that is not working properly. Even if you have the right login id and password, it will not allow you to move ahead.

77). Do you have any idea of error seeding?

Ans:- It is the process of introducing known errors intentionally to check the rate of error detection. It helps in analyzing the tester capabilities of finding bugs.

78). What is the Defect Age?

Ans:- It can be defined as the time gap between defect detection and the closure of a defect.

Defect Age = Date of Defect Closure - Date of Defect Detection

79). How will you define a critical bug?

Ans:- A critical bug can affect a large piece of functionality for a software product or it signifies that major software components are broken. Simply, bugs that affect the business of customers are called critical.

80). What is bug severity?

Ans:- It is defined as the impact of a particular bug on the business of a customer. It can be critical, major, or minor.

81). What is bug priority?

Ans:- The bug priority decides which bug should be fixed early and their order too. As soon as, high priority bug is resolved, it will move to the next level.

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82). What is white-box testing, and what are its various techniques?

Ans:- For a successful QA interview, conquering routine QA interview questions is key. Craft your response as follows:

 In contrast to black-box testing, white-box testing involves a detailed analysis of the system's internal architecture, implementation, and source code quality. The techniques associated with white-box testing include:

  • Statement Coverage
  • Decision Coverage

83). Explain functional testing.

Ans:- Functional testing, categorized as a type of black-box testing, places emphasis on the software's functional requirements rather than its internal implementation. Functional requirements define the system's expected behavior concerning input and output.

This testing method assesses the software against its functional requirements or specifications, disregarding non-functional characteristics such as performance, usability, and dependability.

The primary goal of functional testing is to ensure that the software meets the required functionality and resolves the challenges faced by its intended users.

Various types of functional testing include:

  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • System Testing
  • Smoke Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Stress Testing

84). What are a few advantages of automated testing?

Ans:- Automated testing offers several key advantages:

  • Efficiency: Automated test execution is swift, saving a substantial amount of time.
  • Error Reduction: Human errors are minimized when test scripts are meticulously prepared.
  • Continuous Integration (CI): CI tools like Jenkins can be configured to schedule automated test execution for nightly runs. They can also distribute daily test results to essential stakeholders.
  • Resource Optimization: Automation testing is resource-efficient. Once tests are automated, minimal time is required from Quality Assurance (QA) professionals during test execution. This allows QA bandwidth to be redirected towards other exploratory tasks.

85). What is Regression Testing?

Ans:- Regression Testing involves the re-execution of either the full or a partial set of previously executed test cases to verify the continued functionality of existing features.

The steps typically include:

  • Re-testing: Re-running all tests in the current test suite, which can be both costly and time-consuming.
  • Categorization: Regression tests are classified into three categories—feature tests, integration tests, and end-to-end testing. Specific tests are selected during this step.
  • Test Case Prioritization: Test cases are prioritized based on their business impact and the significance of their functionalities.

86). What is Test Closure?

Ans:- Test Closure is like the summary report for all the testing activities carried out during the software development life cycle. It includes a detailed analysis of the defects fixed and errors found. The document covers important metrics such as the total number of tests conducted, tests executed, flaws detected, defects resolved, unresolved bugs, rejected bugs, and other relevant information.

87). What is the Defect Life Cycle?

Ans:- The defect life cycle is like the journey of a defect as it goes through different stages during its existence. It all starts when a fault is spotted, and it wraps up when the defect is closed, ensuring it won't reappear after verification.

defect life cycle

88). What is integration testing? What are its types?

Ans:- Integration testing takes place after unit testing. It involves testing a group of connected modules to uncover any issues arising from their interactions.

There are various types of integration testing:

  • Big Bang Integration Testing: This starts after merging all modules.
  • Top-down Integration Testing: Testing and integration commence at the top and progress downward.
  • Bottom-up Integration Testing: Lower-level modules are tested before moving upward.
  • Hybrid Integration Testing: This method combines both top-down and bottom-up integration testing. It starts integration from the middle layer, testing in both upward and downward directions.

89). How do you approach a severely buggy program, and how would you handle it?

Ans:- In situations with a seriously buggy program, the recommended approach is for testers to meticulously report any flaws or critical issues. Emphasis should be placed on detailing critical bugs. 

Since such crises might stem from issues like insufficient unit or integration testing, poor design, incorrect build or release methods, and more, it's crucial to communicate with management. Providing documented proof of the problem ensures clarity and supports effective resolution.

90). What if an organization experiences rapid growth, making standard testing procedures impractical? How would you handle this situation?

Ans:- This is a common challenge in the software industry, especially with the emergence of new technologies in product development. While there's no one-size-fits-all solution, you might consider:

  • Hiring Competent Professionals: Bringing on board skilled individuals who excel in their roles.
  • Prioritizing Quality Vigorously: Management should intensely prioritize quality issues, maintaining a constant focus on client satisfaction.
  • Ensuring Company-wide Quality Understanding: It's essential for everyone in the company to grasp what 'quality' means for the end-user.

91). When can you confidently say that the code meets its specifications?

Ans:- In most businesses, there are coding 'standards' that developers are expected to adhere to. However, opinions on what is optimal, as well as the ideal number of regulations, can vary. Various methods, like a traceability matrix, ensure that requirements are connected to test cases. When all test cases pass, it indicates that the code aligns with the specified requirements.

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QA Testing Interview Questions and Answers For Seasoned QA Professionals

92). Why have you chosen QA for your career?

Ans:- I wanted to connect my career with development, so I decided to start with QA first. It can be a platform to become a successful developer with the right skills and knowledge.

93). Why do you like the QA job?

Ans:- It makes you a highly knowledgeable resource with depth knowledge of the product and helps in identifying and resolving the most potential errors to achieve maximum client satisfaction.

94). According to your resume, you have worked for multiple industries in a short time span. Can you explain why?

Ans:- Well, I am not concerned about workplaces because I worked on projects. In my previous work, I was a consultant and more focused on project work.

95). What have you done in your last project?

Ans:- Answers for this question vary from person to person. You just have to brief your experience for the last project and how you become successful in fixing malfunctioning issues.

Check out this post guide on the key difference between waterfall vs agile vs scrum vs kanban!

96). Do You love to work in a group or alone?

Ans:- Mostly, I like to work in a team where each member supports others, and there are always more options to learn something new.

97). How are you dealing with your team members?

Ans:- Everyone has different hobbies, lifestyles, and their area of expertise is also different. Based on my experience, I believe in establishing a nice relationship with team members during short tea breaks.

98). How was your experience with Managers in your previous Companies?

Ans:- I was lucky to meet terrific managers in my previous Companies, who made me comfortable and helped me to solve tough issues gracefully. When a manager is organized, he helps in managing team effectively and achieving goals at the right time.

99). Share some about job conflicts you experience so far, and how were you dealing with it?

Ans:- In my last Company, I faced disagreements by customers that should be fixed on time, and it seems frustrating too many times. So, I designed my own plan to deal with the issue and enable me to maintain a good relationship with the client.

100). What have you learned from your previous Companies?

Ans:- I learned many new things, and I was able to improve my technical competencies to a great extent. The work culture and atmosphere differ from Company to Company, and I learned how to adjust in diverse working environments.

101). What are your career goals?

Ans:- This is how you should answer these types of QA lead interview questions. I want to become a successful QA engineer first then will improve my skills and level onwards. Basically, I want to lead this domain so that I can help others struggling in the testing field.

102). Is there any weakness you want to share with us?

Ans:- Nobody is perfect, but I always try to turn my weaknesses into strengthsYou should not miss preparing about your weakness while working on the interview questions for a QA tester.

103). As an experienced QA tester, which was the proudest moment for you till the time. Please share your achievements with us.

Ans:- Here, you have to explain something that makes you different from the crowd. Think deeply before you answer this question, and it should be impressive and worth mentioning your skills.

104). What are your strengths?

Ans:- I have good storing skills and am able to learn a lot of good stuff together. I also know how to work with deadlines and satisfying a customer with best project deliverables.

105). Is there any special reason for leaving the last job?

Ans:- I have been working in the last Company for a long time, and my career graph is also exciting, but this is the time to give a new boost to the career with a new Company, staff, and salary structure.

106). What are your expectations from our Company if you get hired?

Ans:- I am expecting that I will definitely learn more and improve my skills definitely. At the same time, I will put maximum efforts to enhance the productivity of the Company. I also want to get acquainted with new people who are knowledgeable and interested in the same area.

107) What are your salary considerations?

Ans-: Well, Salary is not the sole consideration, but it is important. So, give a definite range that can satisfy you.

108). Where do you want to see yourself in the next 2 to 5 years?

Ans:- I will definitely improve my levels and skills during the next few years to become a pro in the QA domain.

109). Why do you want to join another Company when everything is going well with the existing one?

Ans:- I want to thank my current Company for giving me an opportunity to work with them. But we cannot be restricted to a place. Like everybody, I am also futuristic and looking for a good option that can help me to grow ultimately.

110). What did you do on the first day of your work?

Ans:- I will acquaint myself with new team members and Company documents to make myself familiar with the current work culture.

111). Why should we hire you?

Ans:- My skills set completely matches your job description, and I can be a good team player because I enjoy different work atmospheres. I know how valuable it is to work on Company goals and how to work with team members to attain those goals.

112). How will you solve document challenges when detailed inputs or requirements are not given?

Ans:- If BRD and FSD are not available, I focus on a different point of reference as given below.

  • Screenshots
  • Wireframes
  • Previous Software versions.

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113). How will you define the term Error for a software product?

Ans:- If a programmer is not able to run or execute the program, it means there is some error, and you need to fix it now.

114). How will you define the term failure?

Ans:- If the product is deployed at your end with successful testing and end-users find bugs, it is called product failure.

115). What is a bug?

Ans:- If testers found any difference in given requirements and implemented requirements, they called it a bug.

116). What is a defect?

Ans:- The difference between the actual and the expected outcome is a defect. If a developer finds a defect and corrects itself, then it is a defect.

117). Who is involved in the inspection meeting?

Ans: Here is the answer to one of the frequently-asked QA interview questions.

  • Author
  • Moderator
  • Reviewer(s)
  • Scribe/Recorder
  • Manager.

118). What is an inspection?

Ans:- It is a formal meeting conducted by an expert moderator where documents under inspection are tested thoroughly by reviewers before the meeting.

It is an informal meeting conducted to gain an understanding of defects and bugs. It clarifies the queries raised by peers in the meeting.

119). How will you define the pesticide paradox?

Ans:- It is the process of repeating the same test cases again and again. Same test cases will not find new bugs so they should be revised from time to time, and it is called the pesticide paradox technique.

120). What is defect cascading?

Ans:- When a defect is not identified or fixed during testing, it triggers other defects. It results in increasing the number of defects at later stages.

121). What is defect clustering?

Ans:- It signifies that a small piece of code has maximum bugs that may lead to operational failures later. 

That’s all for the day! Hope these QA testing interview questions and answers will help you to prepare for the next interview. To increase your chances of getting hired by top MNCs, join the QA certification course at JanBask Training.

122). State the difference between Quality Assurance, Quality Control, and Testing?

Ans:- Quality Assurance is the process of planning and defining the way of monitoring and implementing the quality(test) processes within a team and organization. This method defines and sets the quality standards of the projects.

Quality Control is the process of finding defects and providing suggestions to improve the quality of the software. The methods used by Quality Control are usually established by quality assurance. It is the primary responsibility of the testing team to implement quality control.

Testing is the process of finding defects/bugs. It validates whether the software built by the development team meets the requirements set by the user and the standards set by the organization.

Here, the main focus is on finding bugs and the testing teams work as a quality gatekeeper.

123). When do you think QA activities should start?

Ans:- This is how you should answer these types of QA lead interview questions.  QA activity should start at the beginning of the project. The more early it starts the more beneficial it is to set the standard for achieving quality. The cost, time, and efforts are very challenging in case the QA activities get delayed. Explore and learn QA testing through JanBask Training's expertise.

124). What is the difference between the Test Plan and Test Strategy? 

Ans:- Test Strategy is at a higher level, mostly created by the Project Manager which demonstrates the overall approach of the testing for the entire project, whereas the Test plan depicts how the testing should be performed for a particular application, falling under a project.

125). Can you explain the Software Testing Life Cycle?

Ans:- Software Testing Life Cycle refers to a testing process that has specific steps to be executed in a definite sequence to ensure that the quality goals have been met.

126). How do you define the format of writing a good test case?

Ans:- The format of Test Case includes:

  • Test case ID

  • Test case description
  • Severity
  • Priority
  • Environment
  • Build version
  • Steps to execute
  • Expected results
  • Actual results

127). What is a good test case?

Ans:- This is how you should answer these types of QA lead interview questions. In simple words, a good test case is one that finds a defect. But all test cases will not find defects, so a good test case can also be one that has all the prescribed details and coverage.

128). What would you do if you have a large suite to execute in very less time?

Ans:- In case we have less time and have to execute a larger volume of test cases, we should prioritize the test case and execute the high priority test cases first and then move on to the lower priority ones.

This way we can make sure that the important aspects of the software are tested.

Alternatively, we may also seek customer preference that which is the most important function of the software according to them, and we should start testing from those areas and then gradually move to those areas which are of less importance.

129). Do you think QAs can also participate to resolve production issues?

Ans:- Definitely!! It would be a good learning curve for QA to participate in resolving production issues. Many times production issues could be resolved by clearing the logs or making some registry settings or by restarting the services.

These kinds of environmental issues could be very well fixed by the QA team.

Also, if QA has an insight into resolving the production issues, they may include them while writing the test cases, and this way they can contribute to improving quality and try to minimize the production defects.

130). Suppose you find a bug in production, how would you make sure that the same bug is not introduced again?

Ans:- The best way is to immediately write a test case for the production defect and include it in the regression suite. This way we ensure that the bug does not get introduced again.

Also, we can think of alternate test cases or similar kinds of test cases and include them in our planned execution.

131). What is the difference between Functional and Non-functional testing?

Ans:- Functional testing deals with the functional aspect of the application. This technique tests that the system is behaving as per the requirement and specification. These are directly linked with customer requirements. We validate the test cases against the specified requirement and make the test results as pass or fail accordingly.

Examples include regression, integration, system, smoke, etc

Nonfunctional testing, on the other hand, tests the non-functional aspect of the application. It does not focus on the requirement, but on environmental factors like performance, load, and stress. These are not explicitly specified in the requirement but are prescribed in the quality standards. So, as QA we have to make sure that these tests are also given sufficient time and priority.

132) What is Negative testing? How is it different from Positive testing?

Ans:- Here is the answer to one of the frequently-asked QA interview questions. Negative testing is a technique that validates that the system behaves gracefully in case of any invalid inputs. For example, in case the user enters any invalid data in a text box, the system should display a proper message instead of the technical message that the user does not understand.

Negative testing is different from positive testing in way that positive testing validates that our system works as expected and compares the test results with the expected results.

Most of the time scenarios for negative testing are not mentioned in the functional requirement documents. As a QA we have to identify the negative scenarios and should have provisions to test those.

133) How would you ensure that your testing is complete and has good coverage?

Ans:- Requirement Traceability Matrix and Test coverage metrics will help us to determine that our test cases have good coverage.

The requirement traceability matrix will help us to determine that the test conditions are enough so that all the requirements are covered. Coverage matrices will help us to determine that the test cases are enough to satisfy all the identified test conditions in RTM.

134) What are the different artifacts you refer to when you write the test cases?

Ans:- The main artifacts used are:

  • Functional requirement specification
  • Requirement understanding document
  • Use Cases
  • Wireframes
  • User Stories
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Many a time UAT test cases

135). Have you ever managed to write the test cases without having any documents?

Ans:- Yes, there are cases when we have a situation where we have to write test cases without having any concrete documents.

In that case, the best way is to:

  • Collaborate with the BA and development team.
  • Dig into emails that have some information.
  • Dig into older test cases/regression suite
  • If the feature is new, try to read the wiki pages or help of the application to have an idea
  • Sit with the developer and try to understand the changes being made.
  • Based on your understanding, identify the test condition and send it to BA or stakeholders to review them.

136). What are the different verification techniques you know?

Ans:- Verification techniques are static. There are 3 verification techniques.

These are explained as follows:

(i) Review – This is a method by which the code/test cases are examined by an individual other than the author who has produced it. It is one of the easy and best ways to ensure coverage and quality.

(ii) Inspection – This is a technical and disciplined way to examine and correct the defects in the test artifact or code. Because it is disciplined, it has various roles:

  • Moderator – Facilitates the entire inspection meeting.
  • Recorder – Records the minutes of the meeting, defects that occurred, and other points discussed.
  • Reader – Read out the document/code. The leader also leads the entire inspection meeting.
  • Producer – The author. They are ultimately responsible to update their document/code as per the comments.
  • Reviewer – All the team members can be considered a reviewer. This role can also be played by some group of experts if the project demands it.

(iii) Walkthrough – This is a process in which the author of the document/code reads the content and gets the feedback. This is mostly a kind of FYI (For Your Information) session rather than seeking corrections.

137). What is the difference between Load and Stress testing?

Ans:- Stress Testing is a technique that validates the behavior of the system when it executes under stress. To explain, we reduce the resources and check the behavior of the system. We first understand the upper limit of the system and gradually reduce the resources and check the system behavior.

In Load testing, we validate the system behavior under the expected load. The load can be of concurrent users or resources accessing the system at the same time.

138). In case you have any doubts regarding your project, how do you approach it?

Ans:- In case of any doubts, first, try to get it cleared by reading the available artifacts/application help. In case of doubts that persist, ask an immediate supervisor or the senior member of your team.

Business Analysts can also be a good choice to ask doubts. We can also convey our queries to the development team in case of any other doubts. The last option would be to follow up with the manager and finally with the stakeholders.

139). Have you used any Automation tools?

Ans:- The answer to this question is very much exclusive to the individual. Reply to all the tools and strategies of automation that you have used in your project.

140). How do you determine which piece of software requires how much testing?

Ans:- We can know this factor by finding out the Cyclomatic Complexity. The technique helps to identify the below 3 questions for the programs/features

  • Is the feature/program testable?
  • Is the feature/program understood by everyone?
  • Is the feature/program reliable enough?

141). Explain the difference between volume testing, load testing, and stress testing.

Ans:- Load testing is when you test the software under a heavier load that is still in the expected range, whereas stress testing is when you test the software under a much heavier load that goes outside the expected range. Volume testing is a system check to find out if the software can manage the expected data or requests

142). What are the steps of an automation test plan?

Ans:- Here is the answer to one of the frequently-asked QA interview questions. When completing an automation test plan, I review the company's strategy to ensure I follow their guidelines. Typically, I record the scenario while incorporating an error handler. I then debug the script and fix the issues as needed, rerun the script and track the results of the fix.

143). How would you manage a testing issue?

Ans:- I first rerun the test to ensure it was not just an error. If the problem persists, I try to restart the software and the testing environment. This can confirm if everything is working fine on the testing side. If the issue persists, I contact my supervisor for guidance.

These were the top testing questions and answers, hopefully you found it helpful. Before we wrap up this post, let’s go through this quick guide on how to prepare to crack your QA testing interview and answers all the QA testing interview questions smartly.

144). How do you test a product when the requirements are still evolving?

Ans:- When formulating your answer to this QA interview question, consider presenting it in this manner: In such dynamic situations, adopting an agile development methodology, like Scrum, proves effective.

The process typically involves:

  • Requirements Gathering Meetings: Engage with stakeholders to comprehend the product's purpose and desired outcomes.
  • User Story Breakdown: Break down the project into manageable user stories.
  • Prioritization and Sprint Assignments: Prioritize user stories and assign them to sprints for development.
  • Continuous Testing: Employ various testing techniques, including unit tests, integration tests, user acceptance tests, and system testing, throughout the project's progression.
  • Adaptability to Requirement Changes: Update tests continuously as requirements evolve to ensure the product aligns with the desired outcomes.

145). When do you consider choosing automated testing over manual testing?

Ans:- Several scenarios make automated testing a preferable choice:

  • Repetitive Steps: Automated testing is advantageous when a test involves repetitive steps or requires multiple iterations.
  • Large Data Handling: Automated testing excels at swiftly handling large amounts of data input into the tested system.
  • Multiple Environments: Automated testing easily adapts to various environments, testing systems across multiple operating systems, browsers, and devices.
  • Precise Timing: Automated tests can be precisely programmed to ensure each test step occurs at the exact time needed.
  • Multiple Users: Automated testing can simulate multiple users accessing the system concurrently, allowing for more realistic testing.

146). What's the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing?

Ans:- To navigate this QA interview question successfully, consider outlining your response as follows:

Smoke Testing: Think of it as a quick check to make sure the critical parts of the software are working okay. It helps decide if the software is ready for more detailed testing.

Sanity Testing: This is like a focused check to see if recent changes to the code didn't mess up anything. It's all about making sure the existing features still work after updates, checking if previous bugs got fixed, and ensuring no new issues popped up.

147). What's the key principle of test-driven development (TDD)?

Ans:- In TDD, the main idea is to write automated tests before diving into writing the actual code. The key principle is to create small, specific tests that describe how the code should behave, and then write the code to fulfill those test requirements.

This approach ensures the code is well-crafted, easy to maintain, and aligns with business or user needs. TDD also speeds up feedback and lowers the chances of introducing bugs into the codebase.

148). Could you share a challenging defect you dealt with in a past project? 

Ans:- Addressing this QA interview question can be streamlined by structuring your answer as follows:

Here’s a structured way to provide a detailed response:

  • Step 1: Give a thorough description of the defect, mentioning how you discovered it, whether through testing or customer feedback.
  • Step 2: Explain why this particular defect was a tough nut to crack.
  • Step 3: Outline the steps you took to fix the defect, highlighting any collaboration with developers or team members.
  • Step 4: Talk about any obstacles you faced during the resolution process.
  • Step 5: Detail how you made sure the defect was truly resolved and share the impact it had on the project and stakeholders.
  • Step 6: Reflect on the lessons learned from this experience.

149). Can you share your experience with implementing an automation testing tool? 

Ans:- You can go through this automation testing tutorial to curate your response in detail:

Identifying Areas for Automation: Recognize parts of testing suitable for automation and prioritize them based on their impact.

  1. Selecting the Right Tool: Evaluate and choose the automation testing tool that aligns with technical requirements.
  2. Defining KPIs and Success Criteria: Clearly define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and success criteria for automation testing. Set up continuous monitoring and reporting mechanisms.
  3. Team Training and Governance: Train the testing team on the automation tool, test plan, and establish necessary governance, policies, and procedures.
  4. Tracking Effectiveness: Keep a close eye on the effectiveness of the automation testing tool and make adjustments as needed.

150). What is GUI testing?

Ans:- GUI (Graphical User Interface) testing is a method in software testing that zeroes in on assessing the visual and interactive components of a software application. The aim is to ensure that user interface elements, such as buttons, menus, forms, and windows, operate correctly and appear as intended. 

GUI testing verifies that user interactions are smooth, intuitive, and in line with design specifications. Testers scrutinize aspects like layout, font, color schemes, responsiveness, and the alignment of graphical elements. 

This form of testing is crucial for ensuring a positive user experience and catching any disparities between the intended design and how the application actually looks and behaves. By addressing issues early in the development cycle, GUI testing plays a pivotal role in enhancing usability, user satisfaction, and the overall quality of the software product.

151). Define two main types of acceptance testing

Ans:- When preparing to answer this QA interview question, consider presenting your response in this structured manner:

There are two main types of acceptance testing:

  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): This involves end-users or stakeholders conducting tests to ensure the software meets their needs. UAT confirms that the software is user-friendly, integrates smoothly into users’ workflows, and delivers the required functionalities.
  • Business Acceptance Testing (BAT): BAT focuses on validating that the software aligns with the business objectives and goals. It ensures the software supports the organization's strategic goals and intended business processes.

Acceptance testing serves as the final checkpoint before software release. Successful completion indicates the software is ready for deployment to a broader audience. Any issues identified during acceptance testing are addressed, and once the software passes this phase, it signifies it meets the required quality standards and is accepted for production use

How to Prepare for QA interview questions – Follow this 4-Step Guide

Now, you are aware of the top QA interview questions, below are the 4 quick tips to help you get ready for a QA interview:

  1. Research & Get Knowledge about the Company: The more research and knowledge you get the easier it becomes to answer QA questions. You should focus on knowing about the company's culture and structure before applying, do some research on it. You can learn more about the company's clients and goods on the website. Be careful to do your research on the QA team you might work with to understand their unique culture. To find out more about the company's overall work culture and employee policies, you can also speak with current employees.
  2. Prepare a List of Questions for Interviews: To boost your confidence, practice common and QA-specific testing questions and answers. To feel prepared, you can consider writing down a few notes for each question or formulating possible answers in your head. Make sure to include your QA experience while answering QA questions and be aware of how you want to emphasize it in your answers. To help you, practice answering each question many times while speaking your responses out loud.
  3. Make Your CV Unique: When you are applying for jobs, keep revising your CV to reflect the most recent information about your QA education, training, and certifications. You can even modify your CV to include similar terms from the job description. Additionally, make an effort to link your QA experience to potential tasks at your new work.
  4. Create QA Questions Beforehand: Prepare your QA questions in advance and ask them at the conclusion of the interview if they pertain to the position or employee policies. This will help you to demonstrate your interest in the position and the organization. Additionally, preparing these QA questions can provide you more self-assurance regarding your potential new job.

So, these were a few quick tips that will help you to smartly answer the most-asked QA interview questionss and answers during the interview.

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Final Words on QA Testing Interview Questions

This brings us to the end of this article on Top 120+ QA Testing Interview Questions. The above-mentioned QA Testing interview questions will help experienced and freshers to know what all QA questions are being asked while facing the interview and in adding up to their knowledge. Think of joining a professional QA Testing Certification Program to make yourself career-ready. 

If you have any queries related to QA interview questions and answers, let me know by commenting on the dialogue box mentioned below. Wishing you all the best for your interview. Happy learning!


Q1. What should I focus on when preparing for a QA interview?

Answer: Prioritize a deep understanding of common QA interview questions and their answers. Additionally, research the company before you prepare for QA questions to understand its culture and values, as this often plays a role in interview assessments.  Get your qa certifications with proper QA training and ace your career.

Q2. What are some key best practices in the QA field?

Answer: Some QA interview questions best practices include creating a detailed plan with clear goals, conducting external quality checks with meticulous documentation, maintaining a positive team environment, emphasizing error vigilance, and fostering continuous learning, collaboration, and social skills so that you can easily answer QA questions.

Q3. What skills are crucial for a successful career in QA?

Answer: Essential skills for QA professionals encompass technical expertise in programming languages, software development tools, and testing tools. Equally important are leadership, organizational skills, effective communication, statistical analysis abilities, problem-solving acumen, and industry-specific technical knowledge.  Get your qa certifications with proper QA training and ace your career with best skills. 

Q4. What are the primary duties of a quality assurance engineer?

Answer: To ace those QA questions you have to understand the duties of a QA engineer. A quality assurance engineer identifies and corrects flaws in the manufacturing process, ensures criteria are met by recommending, implementing, and monitoring preventive and corrective actions. They also compile and evaluate statistical information, ensure user expectations are satisfied during testing, and create tests to identify software bugs before product launch.

Q5. How can QA professionals enhance their performance in the dynamic field of software testing?

Answer: Continuous learning is key to ace your QA interview questions. Stay updated on the latest industry trends, tools, and methodologies. Foster a proactive attitude toward error resolution, emphasize collaboration and social skills, and cultivate adaptability to navigate the dynamic landscape of software testing. Get your qa certifications with proper QA training and ace your career.

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