Know the position you want to apply to. Out of all the job openings, choose wisely the one that matches your eligibility and interests.
Keep learning, equip yourself with as many skills you can. Extend your learning to the about of the company too. Stay updated on their latest news.
Resume is like the passport to a job interview. Double check the resume so that it matches the job description. Let your resume reflect all your achievements.
Find Microsoft people on LinkedIn. Reach out to them and show them your strong will about getting a job at LinkedIn. Your resume might get forwarded directly.
Understand the job description thoroughly. Answer your questions that reflect the qualities the recruiter is looking for in a candidate.
Learn as much as you can about the Recruiters and their backgrounds using LinkedIn and other web tools. Check out their profiles and prepare yourself.
During the interview, share case studies of past work or projects. Be ready to solve problems given by the recruiter. Polish your coding, analytical and designing skills.