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What is Data Warehouse Design?


What exactly is involved in data warehouse designing? Data warehouses enable you to execute logical queries, create reliable forecasting models, and spot significant trends across your organization.

Whether you employ a pre-built vendor solution or build from scratch, you'll need some level of warehouse design to properly implement a new data warehouse. Continue reading to learn more about data warehouses, their usefulness, and how to create a data warehouse that suits your organization's needs. You can learn more about data warehouse and other data science concepts with an online data science course

What is a Data Warehouse?

To begin, the capability of a data warehouse to display helpful information that can be used for measuring performance and making critical adjustments that can assist in winning over competitors can provide an organization a major advantage over other organizations. 

Second, a data warehouse can help a business run more smoothly because it can easily store information that is unique to the business. This information can be used to better understand the company. 

Third, a data warehouse is beneficial to customer relationship management because it offers a single perspective on customers and products across all functional areas, divisions, and markets. This makes it easier to manage customer relationships. In conclusion, but certainly not least, a data warehouse may assist in cost reduction through the dependable monitoring of long-term patterns, trends, and outliers.

The development of a large and complicated information system is a multi-faceted endeavor that requires varying degrees of input from each party involved. This is analogous to the process of constructing a large and complicated building, in which the owner, the architect, and the builder each have their own points of view on the matter.Viewpoints from the top down, which are driven by the business or by the owner, and perspectives from the bottom up, which are driven by the builder or by the implementor, are combined to form a comprehensive framework.When constructing a data warehouse, there are four different viewpoints that need to be taken into consideration. These include the top-down view, the view of the underlying data sources, the view of the data warehouse itself, and the view of the business queries that will be run on it.

What is Data Warehouse Design?

The phrase "data warehouse" refers to a centrally located repository that compiles data from a variety of sources for the purpose of online business analytics (OLAP). Consequently, in terms of business processes, a data warehouse needs to have the capacity to satisfy the requirements of a diverse range of users. As a consequence of this, the process of constructing a data warehouse is one that is difficult, time-consuming, and fraught with the possibility of making errors. In addition to this, as more time passes, the requirements for the systems that are used for business analytics will continue to develop. Because of this, the design process for OLAP and data warehousing systems is a continuing, dynamic process.

The materialization of an industrial perspective and the design of a data warehouse are two quite different professions. Data warehouses, on the other hand, are just another type of database that can be utilized for tasks such as responding to administrative inquiries. The primary focus of the architecture is on the process of extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) records from numerous sources into a centralized database (the data warehouse).

How To Design A Data warehouse?

There are 4 views regarding data warehouse design which are as mentioned:

1. Top-Down View - The top-down view makes it possible to select the pertinent data and information that is required for the data warehouse. This information is relevant to both the present and the future demands of the organization.

2. Data Source View - The information that is being recorded, saved, and managed by operational systems is revealed when the data source view is utilized. This information might be documented with varying degrees of detail and precision, ranging from tables that are specific to individual data sources to tables that are integrated with several data sources. Traditional data modeling techniques, such as the entity-relationship model or CASE (computer-aided software engineering) tools, are frequently used to represent data sources. [CASE] stands for computer-aided software engineering.

3. Data Warehouse View - When you examine the data warehouse, you will notice that it contains both fact tables and dimension tables. It is a representation of everything that is stored in the data warehouse, from the raw data to the precomputed totals and counts to the metadata, such as the creation date and time. This representation is called a data mart.

4. Business Query View - The data perspective that represents the end-point user's view within the data warehouse is known as the business query view.

These were the views on How design of data warehouses should be. Join data science certification online to become a Data Warehouse designer.

Approaches to Data Warehouse Design

There are generally 2 approaches to data warehouse designs: Top-down and Bottom-up approaches.

Top-down Approach

When building a data warehouse, one can develop it using either a top-down or bottom-up technique, or even employ components of both. Alternatively, one can combine elements of both strategies. The first step is to undertake some high-level design and planning, also known as the "top-down" strategy. This strategy has the potential to be successful in situations in which the underlying technology is well-established and understood and in which the business problems that need to be solved are similarly clearly stated.

Advantages of Top-Down Approach

  • The data warehouses are the source for loading the data marts.
  • Data warehouses make it simple to create new data marts.

Disadvantages of Top-Down Approach

  • The method cannot adapt to the evolving requirements of the organization.
  • The project's implementation is very costly.


Bottom-up Approach

The bottom-up process begins with a focus on experiments and prototypes as its primary building blocks. This is important in the early stages of business modeling as well as technological development. It lets a corporation test out the benefits of a new technology before making any substantial investments in it, and it enables them to do so at a much lower cost than would be required otherwise. Thanks to the combined method, organizations are able to make use of the strategic planning that the combined approach provides while still benefiting from the speed and flexibility of bottom-up efforts.

Advantages of Bottom -Up Approach

  • There is room in the data warehouse to add departments if necessary.
  • Building new data marts and connecting them to existing ones is all that's involved.
  • Rapid document production is possible.

Disadvantages of Bottom-up Approach

  • The data warehouse and data mart switch physical sites.

Planning, requirements study, problem analysis, warehouse design, data integration and testing, and finally deployment are some of the phases that could be included in the design and development of a data warehouse when looking at it from the perspective of software engineering. The development of large software systems can be done using a couple of different methods, including the waterfall method and the spiral method. 

The steps of the waterfall technique flow from one to the next like a waterfall, with each level going through an organized and systematic analysis before moving on to the next stage. This technique is also called the cascade technique. For the spiral process to work, new versions of the system that are better than the last ones must be released at regular intervals. This is an appealing alternative for the development of data warehouses and data marts in particular due to the short amount of time required for the turnaround, the simplicity of making modifications, and the readiness to adapt new designs and technologies.

What are The Usage of A Data Warehouse?

The uses for data warehousing and data marts are numerous. Data analysis and strategic decision-making are two processes in which business executives make use of the information stored in data warehouses and data marts. Data warehouses are commonly used as a part of a plan-execute-assessed "closed-loop" feedback system in enterprise management by many businesses.

Many industries, including banking and finance, consumer products and retail distribution, and regulated manufacturing techniques like demand-based production, rely heavily on data warehouses.

There are a few different eras during which this transformation occurs. The data warehouse's first function is to serve as a repository for reports and the results of standard queries. It has become more common practice to use it for the analysis of both aggregated and granular data, with the results being communicated via reports and graphs. Multidimensional analysis and complex slice-and-dice operations are then performed on the data stored in the warehouse. Finally, data mining technologies can be applied to the data warehouse for the purposes of knowledge discovery and strategic decision-making. Access and retrieval tools, database reporting tools, data analysis tools, and data mining tools are all examples of data warehousing tools.

Users of the data warehouse must be able to discover its contents (through metadata), access those contents, evaluate those contents with analysis tools, and communicate the results of those analyses.Information processing, analytical processing, and data mining are the three primary uses for a data warehouse.

Information Processing: Through the use of crosstabs, tables, charts, and graphs, users of data processing software are able to make reports, formulate questions, and do elementary statistical analysis on the data. The development of low-cost, web-based accessing tools and the integration of those tools with web browsers is a trend that is currently occurring in data warehouse information processing.

Analytical Processing: With the assistance of analytical processing, one is able to carry out a variety of core OLAP operations, including slice-and-dice, drill-down, roll-up, and pivot, to name just a few. It frequently operates successfully with either aggregated or comprehensive versions of historical data. It is possible to do multidimensional analyses on data collected from a variety of sources within a data warehouse, which is one of the primary benefits of using online analytical processing as opposed to conventional information processing.

Data Mining: Discovering latent associations, constructing analytical models, carrying out classification and prediction, and visualizing the mining outputs are all examples of data mining approaches that can assist in the process of knowledge discovery.

You can learn the six stages of data science processing to better grasp the above topic. 


If you've read up to this point, you should feel very confident about your knowledge of data warehousing and the numerous architectures and approaches that are essential to make it lightning fast and reliable for the benefit of business. We conducted study on its use throughout history as well as its use in the present day. At last we covered all topics in data warehouse designing .  

The Understanding of data warehouse design in data mining begins with understanding of data science; you can get an insight of the same through our Data Science tutorial.

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1. What is Data Warehousing?

The term "data warehouse" refers to nothing more than a centralized storage facility for all of an organization's data. The repository might either be a real location or an abstract computer database. In order to study and retrieve the data at a later time, data warehousing focuses on the process of gathering the data in its entirety.

There are typically two ways in the data warehousing concept:

An approach from the top down

Approach from the bottom to the top

William H.Inmon, who is regarded as the "Father of Data Warehousing,"gave the term "Data Warehousing." He clarified that data warehousing is nothing more than a

2. What are The Advantages of the Top-Down Approach in Designing a Data Warehouse?

Top-Down Approach Advantages -

Provides a consistent dimensional view of data marts since the data marts are derived from the data warehouse.

Additionally, this model is regarded as the most robust model for organizational transformation. This is why large organizations use this approach.

It is simple to create a data mart from a data warehouse.

3. What are Pros and Cons of Bottom up Approach in Data Warehouse Designs

Bottom-Up Approach Benefits -

The reports are swiftly produced since the data marts are established first.

The data warehouse may be expanded by adding new data marts here.

Additionally, developing this strategy requires less time and money.

Contemplating the situation from the bottom up might be counterproductive.

The dimensional view of data marts in this paradigm is inconsistent, unlike in the top-down approach.

4. What are Four Views to Design a Data Warehouse? 

Top-down View - The top-down view makes it possible to select the pertinent data and information that is required for the data warehouse. This information is relevant to both the present and the future demands of the organization.

Data Source View - The information that is being recorded, saved, and managed by operational systems is revealed when the data source view is utilized. This information might be documented with varying degrees of detail and precision, ranging from tables that are specific to individual data sources to tables that are integrated with several data sources. Traditional data modeling techniques, such as the entity-relationship model or CASE (computer-aided software engineering) tools, are frequently used to represent data sources. [CASE] stands for computer-aided software engineering.

Data Warehouse View - When you examine the data warehouse, you will notice that it contains both fact tables and dimension tables. It is a representation of everything that is stored in the data warehouse, from the raw data to the precomputed totals and counts to the metadata, such as the creation date and time. This representation is called a data mart.

Business Query View - The data perspective that represents the end-point user's view within the data warehouse is known as the business query view.

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